var wNoResults = wTherearecurrentlynorowstodisplay;//"There are currently no rows to display.";
var wNoResultsCriteria = wTherearenoresultsfor0; //"There are no results for {criteria}.";
var WLDateFormat = jsDateFormat;
var WLLongDateFormat = jsWLLongDateFormat;
var WLLongDateTimeFormat = JsWLLongDateTimeFormat;
var regex = new RegExp(/{(.*?)}/i);
var wWorkingDataTablePatientList = JSON.parse('{}');
var wMasterDataTable = JSON.parse('{}');
var wWorkingDataTable = JSON.parse('{}');
var wDataTableCounter = JSON.parse('{}');
var wFilteringDataTable = JSON.parse('{}');
var wSystemConfiguredFilteringe = JSON.parse('{}');
var wFilteringSentence = JSON.parse('{}');
var wSortingDataTable = JSON.parse('{}');
var wGridCellCtrls = JSON.parse('{}');
var wDynamicGridCellCtrls = JSON.parse('{}');
var wGridAttributes = JSON.parse('{}');
var wGridObj = JSON.parse('{}');
var ShiftClicked = false;
var ActiveTabLoading = true;
var wGridRefreshTimer = {};
//var wGridRefreshTimerCounter = JSON.parse('{}');
//var refreshInterval = 0;
//var refreshCounterInterval = 60000;
function RegisterTableData(GuidID, jSonData, ColumnCtrls, DynamicColumnCtrls, GridAttributes) {
this.GuidID = GuidID;
this.ActiveDataGuidName = GuidID;
this.GridRefreshTimerCounter = JSON.parse('{}');
this.ActiveTabLoading = true;
//set ActiveTab(val){
// ActiveDataGuidName = GuidID;
// if (val !== undefined && val != null && val != "") {
// ActiveDataGuidName = GuidID + "_" + val;
// }
// this.ActiveTabName = value;
if (GridAttributes.PrimaryKey != null) {
this.PrimaryKey = GridAttributes.PrimaryKey;
if (GridAttributes.ActiveTabLoading != null) {
this.ActiveTabLoading = GridAttributes.ActiveTabLoading
ActiveTabLoading = GridAttributes.ActiveTabLoading;
wGridObj[this.GuidID] = this;
if (jSonData == null){
jSonData = JSON.parse('{}');
wMasterDataTable[(this.ActiveTabLoading ? this.ActiveDataGuidName : this.GuidID)] = jSonData
wWorkingDataTable[(this.ActiveTabLoading ? this.ActiveDataGuidName : this.GuidID)] = jSonData;
wFilteringSentence[(this.ActiveTabLoading ? this.ActiveDataGuidName : this.GuidID)] = "";
//wFilteringDataTable[GuidID] = JSON.parse('{"first_name": ["andrew", "Drema"], "first_name": ["andrew", "Drema"],"requested_date":{"End": "-10","Start": "1982-10-10"}}');
//wFilteringDataTable[GuidID] = JSON.parse('{"last_name": "reschedule", "filler_order_number": [8114, 8115],"requested_date":{"End": "-10","Start": "1982-10-10"}}');
//wFilteringDataTable[GuidID] = JSON.parse('{"last_name": "reschedule", "requested_date":{"End": "-10","Start": "1982-10-10"}}');
wFilteringDataTable[this.GuidID] = JSON.parse('{}');
wGridCellCtrls[this.GuidID] = ColumnCtrls;
wDynamicGridCellCtrls[this.GuidID] = DynamicColumnCtrls;
wGridAttributes[this.GuidID] = GridAttributes;
if (GridAttributes.SortBy != null) {
wSortingDataTable[(this.ActiveTabLoading ? this.ActiveDataGuidName : this.GuidID)] = GridAttributes.SortBy;
SortWL(this.GuidID, this.ActiveDataGuidName);
} else if (wGridAttributes[this.GuidID]["GroupByData"]) {
SortWL(this.GuidID, this.ActiveDataGuidName);
} else if (GridAttributes.DownloadingData){
BuildGridLoadingspinner(this.GuidID, this.ActiveDataGuidName);
} else {
BuildGridResults(this.GuidID, this.ActiveDataGuidName);
GenerateWLPerPages(this.GuidID, this.ActiveDataGuidName)
GenerateWLPages(this.GuidID, this.ActiveDataGuidName)
RegisterTableData.prototype.SetActiveTabName = function (aTabName) {
this.ActiveTabName = aTabName;
this.ActiveDataGuidName = this.GuidID + "_" + aTabName;
var wGrid = $('#' + this.GuidID + '');
wGrid.attr('ActiveTabName', aTabName);
RegisterTableData.prototype.MasterData = function () {
return wMasterDataTable;
RegisterTableData.prototype.attr = function (attributeName, value) {
var wGrid = $('#' + this.GuidID + '');
var GridAttrValue = "";
if (!value) {
GridAttrValue = wGrid.attr(attributeName);
} else {
wGrid.attr(attributeName, value);
GridAttrValue = value;
return GridAttrValue;
RegisterTableData.prototype.ShowLoader = function () {
var wWLRows = "";
var GuidID = this.GuidID;
var wGrid = $('#' + GuidID + '');
var wGridColumns = $('#' + GuidID + ' thead tr th');
var wGridArea = $('#' + GuidID + ' tbody');
wWLRows += "
wWLRows += "";
wWLRows += "";
wWLRows += " | ";
wWLRows += "
RegisterTableData.prototype.GridPatientList = function (aTabName, PatientList) {
var wDatObjectName = this.GuidID;
if (aTabName !== undefined && aTabName != null && aTabName != "") {
wDatObjectName = this.GuidID + "_" + aTabName;
wWorkingDataTablePatientList[wDatObjectName] = PatientList
RegisterTableData.prototype.UpdateData = function (wJsonData, aSearchCriteria, StayOnCurrentPage) {
this.UpdateGridData('', wJsonData, aSearchCriteria, StayOnCurrentPage);
RegisterTableData.prototype.UpdateGridCountData = function (aTabName, wDataCount) {
var wGrid = $('#' + this.GuidID + '');
wDataTableCounter[wDatContainerName] = null;
var wDatContainerName = this.GuidID;
if (aTabName !== undefined && aTabName != null && aTabName != "") {
wDatContainerName = this.GuidID + "_" + aTabName;
wDataTableCounter[wDatContainerName] = wDataCount;
RegisterTableData.prototype.UpdateGridData = function (aTabName, wJsonData, aSearchCriteria, StayOnCurrentPage) {
//var wJsonStringData = JSON.stringify(wJsonData);
//wJsonStringData = wJsonStringData.replace(/\"/g, "\\"").replace(/\'/g, "\\'")
//wJsonData = JSON.parse(wJsonStringData);
$('#' + this.GuidID + ' tfoot').show();
StayOnCurrentPage = (StayOnCurrentPage == null || StayOnCurrentPage == "" ? false : (typeof StayOnCurrentPage !== 'undefined' ? StayOnCurrentPage : false));
var wGrid = $('#' + this.GuidID + '');
var CurrentWLPage = wGrid.attr('Current-page') * 1;
if (wJsonData == "[]") {
jSonData = JSON.parse('{}');
if (aTabName == this.ActiveTabName) {
$(document).trigger('WLUpdate', {
GuidID: this.GuidID,
WLData: wJsonData
var wDatObjectName = this.GuidID;
if (aTabName !== undefined && aTabName != null && aTabName != "") {
wDatObjectName = this.GuidID + "_" + aTabName;
wMasterDataTable[wDatObjectName] = wJsonData;
wWorkingDataTable[wDatObjectName] = wJsonData;
wFilteringSentence[this.GuidID] = "";
if (aSearchCriteria != null && aSearchCriteria != "") {
this.SearchCriteria = aSearchCriteria;
if (this.ActiveTabLoading) {
if (aTabName == this.ActiveTabName) {
FilterWL(this.GuidID, this.ActiveDataGuidName);
SortWL(this.GuidID, this.ActiveDataGuidName)
GenerateWLPerPages(this.GuidID, this.ActiveDataGuidName);
GenerateWLPages(this.GuidID, this.ActiveDataGuidName);
if (StayOnCurrentPage) {
changePage(this.GuidID, CurrentWLPage, this.ActiveDataGuidName)
} else {
changePage(this.GuidID, 1, this.ActiveDataGuidName)
} else {
if (StayOnCurrentPage) {
changePage(this.GuidID, CurrentWLPage)
} else {
changePage(this.GuidID, 1)
RegisterTableData.prototype.GridRefreshTimer = function (aTabName) {
var wDatObjectName = this.GuidID;
if (aTabName !== undefined && aTabName != null && aTabName != "") {
wDatObjectName = this.GuidID + "_" + aTabName;
wGridRefreshTimer[wDatObjectName] = setTimeout("UpdateTabGridTimer('" + this.GuidID + "', '" + aTabName + "')", refreshCounterInterval);
RegisterTableData.prototype.LoadingGridResults = function () {
var wWLRows = "";
var wGrid = $('#' + this.GuidID + '');
var wGridColumns = $('#' + this.GuidID + ' thead tr th');
var wGridArea = $('#' + this.GuidID + ' tbody');
var GuidID = this.GuidID;
var CurrentGroupByDataValue;
var GroupBy = (wGridAttributes[GuidID]["GroupByData"] != null && Object.keys(wGridAttributes[GuidID]["GroupByData"]).length > 0 ? true : false);
wWLRows += "";
wWLRows += "";
wWLRows += "";
wWLRows += " | ";
wWLRows += "
RegisterTableData.prototype.RebuildResults = function () {
SortWL(this.GuidID, this.ActiveDataGuidName);
GenerateWLPerPages(this.GuidID, this.ActiveDataGuidName);
BuildGridResults(this.GuidID, this.ActiveDataGuidName);
GenerateWLPages(this.GuidID, this.ActiveDataGuidName);
RegisterTableData.prototype.findAndRemove = function (aColumn, aValue, aRebuildResults) {
jsonMasterData = wMasterDataTable[(this.ActiveTabLoading ? this.ActiveDataGuidName : this.GuidID)];
$.each(jsonMasterData, function (index, result) {
if (result != undefined) {
if (result[aColumn] == aValue) {
//Remove from array
jsonMasterData.splice(index, 1);
jsonData = wWorkingDataTable[(this.ActiveTabLoading ? this.ActiveDataGuidName : this.GuidID)];
$.each(jsonData, function (index, result) {
if (result != undefined) {
if (result[aColumn] == aValue) {
//Remove from array
jsonData.splice(index, 1);
return false;
if (aRebuildResults !== undefined && aRebuildResults) {
RegisterTableData.prototype.AddRow = function (row, aRebuildResults) {
jsonMasterData = wMasterDataTable[(this.ActiveTabLoading ? this.ActiveDataGuidName : this.GuidID)];
jsonData = wWorkingDataTable[(this.ActiveTabLoading ? this.ActiveDataGuidName : this.GuidID)];
if (aRebuildResults === Boolean && aRebuildResults) {
RegisterTableData.prototype.GetCount = function () {
jsonData = wWorkingDataTable[(this.ActiveTabLoading ? this.ActiveDataGuidName : this.GuidID)];
return jsonData.length;
RegisterTableData.prototype.Find = function (aValue) {
return this.FindBy(this.PrimaryKey, aValue);
RegisterTableData.prototype.FindBy = function (aColumnName, aValue) {
if (aColumnName == null) {
console.log("No Column Defined");
return null;
return Enumerable.From(wWorkingDataTable[this.ActiveDataGuidName]).Where("$." + aColumnName + "=='" + aValue + "'").ToArray();
RegisterTableData.prototype.Where = function (aQuery) {
return Enumerable.From(wWorkingDataTable[this.ActiveDataGuidName]).Where(aQuery).ToArray();
RegisterTableData.prototype.SentencedFilterCritera = function () {
return wFilteringSentence[this.GuidID];
RegisterTableData.prototype.AppliedSort = function () {
return wSortingDataTable[this.GuidID];
RegisterTableData.prototype.ApplySort = function (aSort) {
if (wSortingDataTable[this.ActiveDataGuidName] == null) {
wSortingDataTable[this.ActiveDataGuidName] = JSON.parse('{}');
wSortingDataTable[this.GuidID] = JSON.parse('{}');
wSortingDataTable[this.GuidID] = aSort
wSortingDataTable[this.ActiveDataGuidName] = aSort;
SortWL(this.GuidID, this.ActiveDataGuidName)
RegisterTableData.prototype.AppliedFilter = function () {
return wFilteringDataTable[this.GuidID];
RegisterTableData.prototype.ApplyFilter = function (aQuery) {
wFilteringDataTable[this.GuidID] = JSON.parse('{}');
wFilteringDataTable[this.GuidID] = aQuery
FilterWL(this.GuidID, this.ActiveDataGuidName);
RegisterTableData.prototype.ApplySystemFilter = function (aQuery) {
wSystemConfiguredFilteringe[this.GuidID] = JSON.parse('{}');
wSystemConfiguredFilteringe[this.GuidID] = aQuery
RegisterTableData.prototype.SystemFilter = function () {
return wSystemConfiguredFilteringe[this.GuidID];
RegisterTableData.prototype.AddFilter = function (aQueryElement) {
jsonFilterData = wFilteringDataTable[this.GuidID];
$.each(aQueryElement, function (Key, Data) {
if (Data != null && Data != "") {
jsonFilterData[Key] = Data;
//$.extend(wFilteringDataTable[this.GuidID], aQueryElement);
} else {
delete jsonFilterData[Key];
FilterWL(this.GuidID, this.ActiveDataGuidName);
RegisterTableData.prototype.RemoveFilter = function (aKey) {
jsonFilterData = wFilteringDataTable[this.GuidID];
//$.each(jsonFilterData, function (index, result) {
// if (result[aQueryElement]) {
// //Remove from array
// jsonFilterData.splice(index, 1);
// }
delete jsonFilterData[Key];
FilterWL(this.GuidID, this.ActiveDataGuidName);
RegisterTableData.prototype.SerializeData = function () {
var wSerializedGridData = JSON.parse('{}');
//wSerializedGridData.WLData = wWorkingDataTable[this.GuidID];
wSerializedGridData.WLData = wMasterDataTable[(this.ActiveTabLoading ? this.ActiveDataGuidName : this.GuidID)];
wSerializedGridData.WLSort = wSortingDataTable[(this.ActiveTabLoading ? this.ActiveDataGuidName : this.GuidID)];
wSerializedGridData.WLColumnData = wGridCellCtrls[(this.ActiveTabLoading ? this.ActiveDataGuidName : this.GuidID)];
wSerializedGridData.WLDynamicColumnData = wDynamicGridCellCtrls[(this.ActiveTabLoading ? this.ActiveDataGuidName : this.GuidID)];
wSerializedGridData.WLAttributes = wGridAttributes[this.GuidID];
wSerializedGridData.GridObj = wGridObj[this.GuidID];
var wGrid = $('#' + this.GuidID + '');
wSerializedGridData.CurrentPage = wGrid.attr('Current-page') * 1;
return wSerializedGridData;
RegisterTableData.prototype.RebuildGrid = function (SerializedData) {
wMasterDataTable[(this.ActiveTabLoading ? this.ActiveDataGuidName : this.GuidID)] = SerializedData.WLData
wWorkingDataTable[(this.ActiveTabLoading ? this.ActiveDataGuidName : this.GuidID)] = SerializedData.WLData;
wSortingDataTable[this.GuidID] = SerializedData.WLSort;
wGridCellCtrls[this.GuidID] = SerializedData.WLColumnData;
wDynamicGridCellCtrls[this.GuidID] = SerializedData.WLDynamicColumnData;
wGridAttributes[this.GuidID] = SerializedData.WLAttributes;
wGridObj[this.GuidID] = SerializedData.GridObj;
GenerateWLPerPages(this.GuidID, this.ActiveDataGuidName);
changePage(this.GuidID, this.ActiveDataGuidName, SerializedData.CurrentPage);
//RegisterTableData.prototype.Remove = function (aID, aColumnName) {
// var wColumnName = aColumnName;
// if (wColumnName == null) {
// wColumnName = this.PrimaryKey;
// }
// if (wColumnName == null) {
// console.log("No Column Defined");
// return;
// }
// var wGridData = wWorkingDataTable[this.GuidID];
// var wRecords = this.FindBy(wColumnName, aID);
// $.each(wRecords, function (key, data) {
// var wIndex = wGridData.indexOf(data);
// if (wIndex > -1) {
// delete wGridData[wIndex];
// }
// });
// this.RebuildResults();
$(document).ready(function () {
$(function () {
$(document).keypress(function (e) {
ShiftClicked = e.shiftKey;
$(document).keyup(function (e) {
ShiftClicked = false;
function UpdateTabGridTimer(GuidID, aTabName){
var wDatObjectName = GuidID;
if (aTabName !== undefined && aTabName != null && aTabName != "") {
wDatObjectName = GuidID + "_" + aTabName;
var wTabCounter= 0;
if (SearchResults.GridRefreshTimerCounter.hasOwnProperty(wDatObjectName)){
wTabCounter = SearchResults.GridRefreshTimerCounter[wDatObjectName];
SearchResults.GridRefreshTimerCounter[wDatObjectName] = wTabCounter;
var wrefreshTabIntervalId = wGridRefreshTimer[wDatObjectName];
if (wTabCounter >= refreshInterval) {
UpdateTabWLResults(GuidID, aTabName);
} else {
if(refreshInterval > 0){
if ($("#UpdateTimer").length != 0) {
if(refreshIntervalId != null ){
wGridRefreshTimer[wDatObjectName] = setTimeout("UpdateTabGridTimer('" + GuidID + "', '" + aTabName + "')", refreshCounterInterval);
if(SearchResults.ActiveTabName == aTabName){
if (wTabCounter > 0 && $('.update-data-button').length > 0 && $('.update-data-button').hasClass('disabled')) {
if (wTabCounter > 0 && $('.update-data-button').length > 0 && $('.update-data-button').is(':hidden')) {
$("#UpdateTimer")[0].innerHTML = String.format(wWL0MinAgo, wTabCounter);
function UpdateTabWLResults(aGuidID, aTabName){
var wDatObjectName = aGuidID;
if (aTabName !== undefined && aTabName != null && aTabName != "") {
wDatObjectName = aGuidID + "_" + aTabName;
var wUpdatingTab = $('div.row-tabs-wrapper a[tabname="'+aTabName+'"]')
var DataURL = wUpdatingTab.attr("update-src")+"NULL/DataOnly/";
var wTabLoadingImg = wUpdatingTab.children('img');;
if(SearchResults.ActiveTabName == aTabName){
$('.update-data-button image').addClass("imageRotate");
$("#UpdateTimer")[0].innerHTML = "";
type: "POST",
url: DataURL,
}).done(function(data) {
var wTabName = this.TabLoading.attr('TabName');
if (SearchResults.ActiveTabName == wTabName) {
if ($('.update-data-button image').hasClass("imageRotate")) {
$('.update-data-button image').removeClass("imageRotate");
if (!$('.update-data-button image').hasClass("disabled")){
$("#UpdateTimer")[0].innerHTML = "";
var wDatObjectName = this.GuidID;
if (wTabName !== undefined && wTabName != null && wTabName != "") {
wDatObjectName = this.GuidID+ "_" + wTabName;
SearchResults.UpdateGridData(wTabName, data.WLData);
SearchResults.GridRefreshTimerCounter[wDatObjectName] = 0;
wGridRefreshTimer[wDatObjectName] = setTimeout("UpdateTabGridTimer('"+this.GuidID+"', '"+wTabName+"')", refreshCounterInterval);
if (SearchResults.ActiveTabName == wTabName) {
SearchResults.UpdateGridCountData(wTabName, data.length);
}).error(function(data) {
if(SearchResults.ActiveTabName == wTabName && $('.update-data-button image').hasClass("imageRotate")){
$('.update-data-button image').removeClass("imageRotate");
$("#UpdateTimer")[0].innerHTML = String.format(wWL0MinAgo, wTabCounter);
function NoResults(GuidID, DataGuidName) {
DataContainer = GuidID;
if (DataGuidName !== undefined && DataGuidName != null) {
DataContainer = DataGuidName
var wNoResultsGrid = wNoResults;
if (wGridAttributes[GuidID].NoResultsSentence != null && wGridAttributes[GuidID].NoResultsSentence != null) {
wNoResultsGrid = wGridAttributes[GuidID].NoResultsSentence;
if (wGridObj[GuidID].SearchCriteria != null && wGridObj[GuidID].SearchCriteria != "") {
wNoResultsGrid = String.format(wNoResultsCriteria, "" + wGridObj[GuidID].SearchCriteria+"")//wNoResultsCriteria.replace("{criteria}", wGridObj[GuidID].SearchCriteria)
return wNoResultsGrid;
var mWorkingDesiredColumnValue;
function GenerateCellValue(GuidID, DataRow, DesiredColumnValue, CellFormat, CellCtrlData, DynamicData, DataContainer) {
wDataContainer = GuidID;
if (DataContainer !== undefined && DataContainer != null) {
wDataContainer = DataContainer
if (CellFormat == null || CellFormat == "") {
CellFormat = WLLongDateTimeFormat;
mWorkingDesiredColumnValue = DesiredColumnValue;
var WLData = wWorkingDataTable[wDataContainer];
if (!DesiredColumnValue || DesiredColumnValue == "") {
return "";
var ctrlCtrl = DesiredColumnValue;
var match;
var matches = [];
while ((match = regex.exec(ctrlCtrl)) !== null) {
var wColumnName = match[1];
var wData = DataRow[wColumnName];
var wColumnData = (DataRow[wColumnName]?DataRow[wColumnName]:" ");
if (wColumnName.toLowerCase().indexOf("date") > -1 && DataRow[wColumnName] != null && ( Date(parseInt(DataRow[wColumnName].substr(6))).toString() == "Invalid Date" ? "" : new Date(parseInt(DataRow[wColumnName].substr(6))))) == "[object Date]" && DataRow[wColumnName] != "01-01-0001")) {
if (wColumnData.indexOf("/Date(") > -1) {
wColumnData = wColumnData.replace("/Date(", "").replace(")/", "");
if (parseFloat(wColumnData) < -2208900000000) {
wColumnData = "";
else {
var d = new Date(parseFloat(wColumnData));
var timeZoneOffset = d.getTimezoneOffset();
if (timeZoneOffset >= 0 && DataContainer != "PACSMediaRequests" && (moment([d.getFullYear(), d.getDate(), d.getMonth() + 1]).isUTC() || wColumnName == "DateOfBirth" || wColumnName == "birth_date" || wColumnName == "created_date" || wColumnName == "ScheduledDate" || wColumnName == "scheduled_start_date" || wColumnName == "DisplayDate")) {
wColumnData = dateFormat(new Date(parseFloat(wColumnData)), CellFormat, true);
else if (timeZoneOffset < 0 && DataContainer != "PACSMediaRequests" && (moment([d.getFullYear(), d.getDate(), d.getMonth() + 1]).isUTC() || wColumnName == "created_date" || wColumnName == "ScheduledDate" || wColumnName == "scheduled_start_date" || wColumnName == "DisplayDate"))
wColumnData = dateFormat(new Date(parseFloat(wColumnData)), CellFormat, true);
else {
wColumnData = dateFormat(new Date(parseFloat(wColumnData)), CellFormat, false);
} else {
var idx = wData.indexOf("T");
var isNonOffsetDate = true;
if (idx > -1) {
if (wData.indexOf("-", idx) > -1) {
isNonOffsetDate = false;
if (wData.indexOf("+", idx) > -1) {
isNonOffsetDate = false;
if (wData.indexOf(".", idx) > -1) {
isNonOffsetDate = false;
} else if (wData.toLowerCase().endsWith('am') || wData.toLowerCase().endsWith('pm') || wData.toLowerCase().endsWith(wTimeAM) || wData.toLowerCase().endsWith(wTimePM)) {
isNonOffsetDate = false;
else if (wColumnName == "DateOfBirth") {
isNonOffsetDate = false;
wColumnData = dateFormat(new Date(wColumnData), CellFormat, isNonOffsetDate);
// wColumnData = dateFormat(new Date(wColumnData), CellFormat, false);
if (typeof wColumnData == "string") {
if ("
-1 && ( Date(parseInt(DataRow[wColumnName].substr(6))).toString() == "Invalid Date" ? "" : new Date(parseInt(DataRow[wColumnName].substr(6))))) == "[object Date]" && DataRow[wColumnName] != "01-01-0001")) {
if (wColumnData.indexOf("/Date(") > -1) {
wColumnData = wColumnData.replace("/Date(", "").replace(")/", "");
var d = new Date(parseFloat(wColumnData));
var timeZoneOffset = d.getTimezoneOffset();
if (timeZoneOffset >= 0 && (moment([d.getFullYear(), d.getDate(), d.getMonth() + 1]).isDST() || wColumnName == "birth_date" || wColumnName == "scheduled_start_date" || wColumnName == "DisplayDate")) {
wColumnData = dateFormat(new Date(parseFloat(wColumnData)), CellFormat, true);
else if (timeZoneOffset < 0 && (moment([d.getFullYear(), d.getDate(), d.getMonth() + 1]).isDST() || wColumnName == "scheduled_start_date" || wColumnName == "DisplayDate")) {
wColumnData = dateFormat(new Date(parseFloat(wColumnData)), CellFormat, true);
else {
wColumnData = dateFormat(new Date(parseFloat(wColumnData)), CellFormat, false);
} else {
var idx = wData.indexOf("T");
var isNonOffsetDate = true;
if (idx > -1) {
if (wData.indexOf("-", idx) > -1) {
isNonOffsetDate = false;
if (wData.indexOf("+", idx) > -1) {
isNonOffsetDate = false;
if (wData.indexOf(".", idx) > -1) {
isNonOffsetDate = false;
wColumnData = dateFormat(new Date(wColumnData), CellFormat, isNonOffsetDate);
if (typeof wColumnData == "string") {
if ("
-1) {
wStringReplaceValue = wStringReplaceValue.replace(/\"/g, "\"")
if ("\'") > -1) {
if (aPlaceHolder == "patient_name") {
wStringReplaceValue = wStringReplaceValue.replace(/\'/g, "\\'");
else {
wStringReplaceValue = wStringReplaceValue.replace(/\'/g, "\'");
return wStringReplaceValue;
function BuildGridLoadingspinner(GuidID, aDataGuidName) {
wDataContainer = GuidID;
if (ActiveTabLoading && aDataGuidName !== undefined && aDataGuidName != null) {
wDataContainer = aDataGuidName
var WLData = wWorkingDataTable[wDataContainer];
if (WLData.length <= 0) {
var wWLRows = "";
var wGrid = $('#' + GuidID + '');
var wGridColumns = $('#' + GuidID + ' thead tr th');
var wGridArea = $('#' + GuidID + ' tbody');
wWLRows += "";
wWLRows += "";
wWLRows += "";
wWLRows += " | ";
wWLRows += "
} else {
BuildGridResults(GuidID, wDataContainer);
function BuildGridResults(GuidID, aDataGuidName) {
wDataContainer = GuidID;
if (ActiveTabLoading && aDataGuidName !== undefined && aDataGuidName != null) {
wDataContainer = aDataGuidName
var WLData = wWorkingDataTable[wDataContainer];
if (WLData === undefined) {
if (wDataContainer != GuidID) {
WLData = wWorkingDataTable[GuidID];
var wWLRows = "";
var wGrid = $('#' + GuidID + '');
var wGridColumns = $('#' + GuidID + ' thead tr th');
var wGridArea = $('#' + GuidID + ' tbody');
var WLPerPage = wGrid.attr('Rows-per-page') * 1;
if (WLPerPage > WLData.length) {
WLPerPage = WLData.length;
if (wGridAttributes[GuidID].hasOwnProperty("FullResultSetDisplayed") && wGridAttributes[GuidID]["FullResultSetDisplayed"] == true) {
WLPerPage = WLData.length;
wGrid.attr('Rows-per-page', WLPerPage);
if (WLData.length <= 0) {
wWLRows += "";
wWLRows += "";
wWLRows += NoResults(GuidID); // "there are currently no rows to display."; //wNoResultsCriteria//wNoResults
wWLRows += " | ";
wWLRows += "
} else {
var WLPage = wGrid.attr('Current-page') * 1;
var wRowsPerPage = Math.ceil(WLData.length/WLPerPage);
if (wRowsPerPage < WLPage)
wGrid.attr('Current-page', 1);
WLPage = wGrid.attr('Current-page') * 1;
var CurrentGroupByDataValue;
var GroupBy = (wGridAttributes[GuidID]["GroupByData"] != null && Object.keys(wGridAttributes[GuidID]["GroupByData"]).length > 0 ? true: false) ;
if (wGridAttributes[GuidID]["GroupByData"] && wGridAttributes[GuidID]["GroupByData"]["Action"]) {
var wBaseGroupByAction = null;
if ((typeof wGridAttributes[GuidID]["GroupByData"]["Action"]) == "string") {
wBaseGroupByAction = wGridAttributes[GuidID]["GroupByData"]["Action"];
} else {
$.each(wGridAttributes[GuidID]["GroupByData"]["Action"], function (key, data) {
if ((typeof data) == "string") {
wBaseGroupByAction += data;
var wGroupItemsCollapsed = "";
for (var i = ((WLPage - 1) * WLPerPage) ; i < ((WLPage - 1) * WLPerPage) + WLPerPage && i < WLData.length; i++) {
if (GroupBy) {
wGroupItemsCollapsed = (wGridAttributes[GuidID]["GroupByData"]["Collapsed"] != null && (wGridAttributes[GuidID]["GroupByData"]["Collapsed"].toString().toLowerCase() == "true" || wGridAttributes[GuidID]["GroupByData"]["Collapsed"].toString().toLowerCase() == "y") ? "display: none;" : "");
if (CurrentGroupByDataValue != 0 && WLData[i][wGridAttributes[GuidID]["GroupByData"]["GroupBy"]] != CurrentGroupByDataValue) {
var wGroupTitleValue = GenerateCellValue(GuidID, WLData[i], wGridAttributes[GuidID]["GroupByData"]["Title"], "", null, null, wDataContainer);
var wGroupCellValue = GenerateCellValue(GuidID, WLData[i], wGridAttributes[GuidID]["GroupByData"]["Text"], "", null, null, wDataContainer);
CurrentGroupByDataValue = WLData[i][wGridAttributes[GuidID]["GroupByData"]["GroupBy"]];
//style=\"border-top-color: "+StyleColor+ "; border-top-width: 1px; border-top-style: solid;\"
wWLRows += "";
//todo: changed title to data-original-title
wWLRows += "";
wWLRows += "" + wGroupCellValue + "";
if (wBaseGroupByAction && wBaseGroupByAction != null && wBaseGroupByAction != "") {
var wGroupByAction = GenerateCellValue(GuidID, WLData[i], wBaseGroupByAction, "", null, null, wDataContainer, wDataContainer);
wWLRows += "" + wGroupByAction + "";
wWLRows += " | ";
wWLRows += "
var wDynamicClass="";
if (wGridAttributes[GuidID]["RowClass"] != null && Object.keys(wGridAttributes[GuidID]["RowClass"]).length > 0) {
$.each(wGridAttributes[GuidID]["RowClass"], function (key, data) {
var wFieldValue = GenerateCellValue(GuidID, WLData[i], key, null, null, null, wDataContainer);
if (wFieldValue in data) {
wDynamicClass += data[wFieldValue] + " ";
var wDynamicStyle = "";
if (wGridAttributes[GuidID]["RowStyle"] != null && Object.keys(wGridAttributes[GuidID]["RowStyle"]).length > 0) {
$.each(wGridAttributes[GuidID]["RowStyle"], function (key, data) {
var wFieldValue = GenerateCellValue(GuidID, WLData[i], key, null, null, null, wDataContainer);
if (wFieldValue in data) {
wDynamicStyle += data[wFieldValue] + " ";
wWLRows += "";
$.each(wGridColumns, function (key, data) {
var columnName = $(data).find('a').attr('ColumnName');
if (columnName == null) {
columnName = $(data).find('span').attr('ColumnName');
if (columnName == null) {
columnName = $(data).attr('ColumnName');
//if (columnName == null) {
// columnName = $(data).find('a').attr('columnname');
//if (columnName == null) {
// columnName = $(data).attr('columnname');
if (columnName == null) {
columnName = "";
var columnValue = $(data).find('a').attr('ColumnValue');
if (columnValue == null) {
columnValue = $(data).find('span').attr('ColumnValue');
if (columnValue == null) {
columnValue = "";
var wDisplayFormat = "";
if ($(data).attr('DisplayFormat') != null && $(data).attr('DisplayFormat') != "") {
wDisplayFormat = $(data).attr('DisplayFormat');
var wTitleCellValue = "";
if ($(data).attr('TitleValue') != null && $(data).attr('TitleValue') != "") {
wTitleCellValue = $(data).attr('TitleValue');
var wTitleFormat = "";
if ($(data).attr('TitleFormat') != null) {
wTitleFormat = $(data).attr('TitleFormat');
//var wfieldDataValue = GenerateCellValue(GuidID, WLData[i], (columnValue != "" ? columnValue : "{"+columnName+"}"), wDisplayFormat, wTitleValue, wTitleFormat, wDynamicGridCellCtrls[GuidID][columnName]);
var wClassValue = "";
wTitleFormat = (wTitleFormat == "" && columnName.indexOf("date") > -1 && columnName.indexOf("birth") == -1 ? WLLongDateTimeFormat : wTitleFormat);
wDisplayFormat = (wDisplayFormat == "" && columnName.indexOf("date") > -1 ? (columnName.indexOf("birth") > -1 ? WLDateFormat : WLLongDateFormat) : wDisplayFormat);
//do we want non birth date date fields to alwasy have an extended date value dispalyed.
//if ((wTitleValue == null || wTitleValue == "") && columnName.indexOf("date") > -1 && columnName.indexOf("birth") == -1) {
// wTitleValue = (columnValue != "" ? columnValue : "{" + columnName + "}");
var wTitleValue = GenerateCellValue(GuidID, WLData[i], wTitleCellValue, wTitleFormat, null, null, wDataContainer);
var wCellValue = GenerateCellValue(GuidID, WLData[i], (columnValue != "" ? columnValue : "{" + columnName + "}"), wDisplayFormat, wGridCellCtrls[GuidID][columnName], wDynamicGridCellCtrls[GuidID][columnName], wDataContainer);
if ($(data).attr('class') != null && $(data).attr('class') != "") {
wClassValue = $(data).attr('class');
var wStyleValue = "";
if ($(data).attr('style') != null && $(data).attr('style') != "") {
wStyleValue = $(data).attr('style');
//todo: changed title to data-original-title
wWLRows += "";
wWLRows += wCellValue.replace(/]*>( |\s)<\/a>/ig, "");
wWLRows += " | ";
wWLRows += "
//wGridArea[0].innerHTML = wWLRows;
var wPreviouseAttachmentList;
$('#' + GuidID + ' tbody [data-toggle="popover-attachments"]').popover({
html: true,
trigger: 'click',
content: function () {
var wAttachmentResultHTML = $(this).attr("Attachment_Result_List");
if (wAttachmentResultHTML === undefined || wAttachmentResultHTML == "") {
type: "POST",
url: $(this).data('loadurl'),
AttachmentRow: $('#Attachment_list'),
popoverIcon: $(this),
success: function (data) {
this.popoverIcon.attr("Attachment_Result_List", data);
var popover ='bs.popover');
//popover({ placement: 'right' });
//if (popover !== undefined) {
// popover.setContent();
// //popover.options.content = popover.options.content;
// //var tip = popover.tip();
// //if (':visible')) {
// // tip.find('#Attachment_list').html(data);
// //}
} else {
if (wPreviouseAttachmentList !== undefined) {
wPreviouseAttachmentList = $(this).parent();
return $(this).next().html();//$(this).parent().find('.popover').html();
$('#' + GuidID + ' tbody [data-toggle="popover"]').popover({
html: true,
trigger: 'click',
content: function () {
var row = $(this).parent().parent().parent().children().not('.overflow');
var icons = $(this).parent().parent().find('.popovercontent').html();
var contents = '';
for (var i = 0; i < row.length; i++) {
if (!$(row.get(i)).is('.no-summary, .more-info-icons, .quick-launch-icons, .column-hidden, :visible')) {
var $td = $(row.get(i));
var $th = $td.closest('table').find('th').eq(i);
contents += "
" + $th.text() + "" + $td.html() + "
contents += '
return icons + contents;
$('[data-toggle="WLtooltip"]').tooltip({ container: 'body' });
$('#' + GuidID + ' tbody [data-toggle^="popover-"]').popover({
html: true,
trigger: 'click',
content: function () {
//var contents = '';
//contents = "-Attachments-"
//contents += '
return $(this).parent().children()[1].innerHTML;
function changePage(GuidID, aPage, aDataGuidName) {
wDataContainer = GuidID;
if (ActiveTabLoading && aDataGuidName !== undefined && aDataGuidName != null) {
wDataContainer = aDataGuidName
$('#' + GuidID+ '').attr('Current-page', aPage);
var WLData = wWorkingDataTable[wDataContainer];
var pagingSize = $('#' + "SearchResults").attr('Rows-per-page');
$(".my-pageable-grid-table .RowsPerPage option[value=" + pagingSize + "]").prop('selected', 'selected');
$('.my-pageable-grid-table #RowsPerPage option').each(function () {
if ($(this).val() == pagingSize) {
$('#' + GuidID + '').attr('Rows-per-page', pagingSize);
$(".my-pageable-grid-table .RowsPerPage option[value=" + pagingSize + "]").prop('selected', 'selected');
return false;
$('#' + "SearchResults").attr('Rows-per-page', 10);
BuildGridResults(GuidID, wDataContainer);
GenerateWLPages(GuidID, wDataContainer);
if (typeof WLGenericTabSelectedPage == 'function') {
function ClosePopover() {
$(".my-pageable-grid-table .RowsPerPage").change(function () {
var WLPerPage = parseInt($(this)[0].value);
if (typeof WLGenericTabSelectedRowsPerPage == 'function') {
var wGrid = $(this).closest('table');
var GuidID = wGrid.attr('id');
var wTabName = wGrid.attr('ActiveTabName');
var wDataContainer = GuidID;
if (wTabName !== undefined) {
wDataContainer = GuidID + "_" + wTabName;
wGrid.attr('Rows-per-page', WLPerPage);
BuildGridResults(GuidID, wDataContainer);
GenerateWLPages(GuidID, wDataContainer);
GenerateWLPerPages(GuidID, wDataContainer);
var WLPage = wGrid.attr('Current-page')*1;
if (WLPage > 1) {
changePage(GuidID, 1, wDataContainer)
function GenerateWLPages(GuidID, aDataGuidName) {
wDataContainer = GuidID;
if (ActiveTabLoading && aDataGuidName !== undefined && aDataGuidName != null) {
wDataContainer = aDataGuidName
var WLData = wWorkingDataTable[wDataContainer];
if (WLData === undefined) {
if (wDataContainer != GuidID) {
WLData = wWorkingDataTable[GuidID];
var WLTotalRows = WLData.length;
var wGrid = $('#' + GuidID + '');
var WLPerPage = wGrid.attr('Rows-per-page') * 1;
var WLPage = wGrid.attr('Current-page') * 1;
var wGridFooterPages = $('#' + GuidID + ' tfoot .PageCount');
if (WLData.length <= WLPerPage) {
$('#' + GuidID + ' tfoot').hide();
} else {
$('#' + GuidID + ' tfoot').show();
if (wGridAttributes[GuidID].hasOwnProperty("FullResultSetDisplayed") && wGridAttributes[GuidID]["FullResultSetDisplayed"] == true) {
$('#' + GuidID + ' tfoot').hide();
wWLPages = "";
if (WLPage > 1) {
//var wWLPages = "« Previous";
var wWLPages = "" + wArrowPrev + "";//« Prev
i = 1;
var wPageCount = Math.ceil(WLTotalRows / WLPerPage);
var wSparsePages = false;
var wSparseSeparator = "...";
if (wGridAttributes[GuidID].PageSpacingCount != null) {
if (wPageCount > wGridAttributes[GuidID].PageSpacingCount) {
wSparsePages = true;
if (wGridAttributes[GuidID].PageSpacingSeparator != null) {
wSparseSeparator = wGridAttributes[GuidID].PageSpacingSeparator;
var StartCount = 1;
var MidCount = 3;
var EndCount = 1;
if (wGridAttributes[GuidID].PageSpacingFormat != null) {
if (wGridAttributes[GuidID].PageSpacingFormat.length > 0) {
StartCount = wGridAttributes[GuidID].PageSpacingFormat[0].length;
if (wGridAttributes[GuidID].PageSpacingFormat.length > 1) {
MidCount = wGridAttributes[GuidID].PageSpacingFormat[1].length;
if (wGridAttributes[GuidID].PageSpacingFormat.length > 2) {
EndCount = wGridAttributes[GuidID].PageSpacingFormat[2].length;
while (i <= Math.ceil(WLTotalRows / WLPerPage)) {
Appliedclass = "";
if (i == WLPage) {
Appliedclass = " class=\"active\"";
if (wSparsePages) {
if (WLPage == 1) {
if (StartCount < MidCount) {
StartCount = MidCount;
} else if (WLPage >= (wPageCount - MidCount - 1)) {
if (EndCount < MidCount - 1) {
EndCount = MidCount - 1;
if (i > StartCount && i < (WLPage - Math.floor(MidCount * .5)) && i < (wPageCount + 1) - EndCount) {
if (wSparseSeparator != null && wSparseSeparator != "") {
wWLPages += "" + wSparseSeparator + "";
wWLPages += "";
i = (WLPage - Math.floor(MidCount * .5));
} else if (i > WLPage + Math.floor(MidCount * .5) && i < ((wPageCount + 1) - EndCount) && i > StartCount) {
if (wSparseSeparator != null && wSparseSeparator != "") {
wWLPages += "" + wSparseSeparator + "";
wWLPages += "";
i = ((wPageCount + 1) - EndCount);
wWLPages += "" + i + "";
if (WLPage < i - 1) {
wWLPages += "" + wArrowNext + "";//Next »
wGridFooterPages[0].innerHTML = wWLPages;
//$('#' + GuidID +' ul.pagination').menu();
function SetTotalRow(GuidID, aDataGuidName) {
wDataContainer = GuidID;
if (ActiveTabLoading && aDataGuidName !== undefined && aDataGuidName != null) {
wDataContainer = aDataGuidName
var WLMasterData = wMasterDataTable[wDataContainer];
var WLData = wWorkingDataTable[wDataContainer];
var WLLengthCount = WLMasterData.length;
if (typeof ActiveBaseFilterCount == 'function') {
var wActiveSystemCriteria = null;
if (wlSystemCriteria !== undefined && wlSystemCriteria != null && wlSystemCriteria.hasOwnProperty(GuidID) && wlSystemCriteria[GuidID] != null) {
wActiveSystemCriteria = wlSystemCriteria[GuidID];
WLLengthCount = ActiveBaseFilterCount(wFilteringDataTable[GuidID], wMasterDataTable[wDataContainer], wActiveSystemCriteria)
if (WLData.length <= 0) {
$('#' + GuidID + ' .TotalRowCount').hide();
} else {
$('#' + GuidID + ' .TotalRowCount').show();
if (WLData.length < WLLengthCount) {
$('#' + GuidID + ' .TotalRowCount')[0].innerHTML = String.format(wResultsoftotalrows, WLData.length, WLLengthCount)//" of " + WLData.length + " of total:" +WLLengthCount;
} else {
$('#' + GuidID + ' .TotalRowCount')[0].innerHTML = String.format(wResultsofrows, WLData.length)//" of " + WLData.length + " Rows";
function GenerateWLPerPages(GuidID, aDataGuidName) {
wDataContainer = GuidID;
if (ActiveTabLoading && aDataGuidName !== undefined && aDataGuidName != null) {
wDataContainer = aDataGuidName
var WLData = wWorkingDataTable[wDataContainer];
if (WLData === undefined) {
if (wDataContainer != GuidID) {
WLData = wWorkingDataTable[GuidID];
var WLTotalRows = WLData.length;
var wGrid = $('#' + GuidID + '');
if (wGridAttributes[GuidID].hasOwnProperty("FullResultSetDisplayed") && wGridAttributes[GuidID]["FullResultSetDisplayed"] == true) {
var WLPerPage = wGrid.attr('Rows-per-page');
var WLPage = wGrid.attr('Current-page');
var WLDefaultPerPage = true;
var select = $('#' + GuidID + ' tfoot .RowsPerPage')[0];
if (WLData.length <= WLPerPage) {
$('#' + GuidID + ' tfoot').hide();
if (WLData.length <= 0) {
} else {
select.innerHTML = "";
lastCount = 0;
i = 5;
while (i < WLTotalRows) {
lastCount = i;
var opt = document.createElement('option');
opt.value = i;
opt.innerHTML = i;
if (WLPerPage == i) {
opt.selected = true;
WLDefaultPerPage = false;
switch (i) {
case 5:
i += 5
case 10:
i += 15
case 25:
i += 25
i += 50
if (lastCount < WLTotalRows) {
var opt = document.createElement('option');
opt.value = WLTotalRows;
if (WLPerPage == WLTotalRows) {
opt.selected = true;
WLDefaultPerPage = false;
opt.innerHTML = WLTotalRows;
if (WLDefaultPerPage && wlSystemCriteria !== undefined && wlSystemCriteria != null && wlSystemCriteria.hasOwnProperty('Rows-per-page')) {
var DefaultValue = wlSystemCriteria['Rows-per-page'] * 1;
if (DefaultValue > 1 && DefaultValue == WLPerPage) {
var opt = document.createElement('option');
opt.value = DefaultValue;
opt.selected = true;
opt.innerHTML = DefaultValue;
SetTotalRow(GuidID, aDataGuidName);
$(".my-data-table").on("click", "tr.sub-heading", function (e) {
if ( == "A" || == "BUTTON") {
GroupID = $(this).attr('grouped-id')
if (GroupID && GroupID != "") {
$("tr[groupbyidvalue='" + GroupID + "']").toggle();
//$(".my-data-table ").on("click", "tr.sub-heading", ToggleCollapseGroupedRows);
//var ToggleCollapseGroupedRows = function () {
// GroupID = $(this).attr('grouped-id');
// if (GroupID && GroupID != "") {
// $("tr[groupbyidvalue='" + GroupID + "']").toggle();
// }
$(".my-pageable-grid-table th a").click(function () {
var wGrid = $(this).closest('table');
var GuidID = wGrid.attr('id');
var wTabName = wGrid.attr('ActiveTabName');
var wDataContainer = GuidID;
if (ActiveTabLoading && wTabName !== undefined) {
wDataContainer = GuidID + "_" + wTabName;
wSortingDataTable[wDataContainer] = JSON.parse('{}');
if (wSortingDataTable[wDataContainer] == null) {
wSortingDataTable[wDataContainer] = JSON.parse('{}');
var ColumnSortOrder = "ASC";
SortOrder = "ASC";
SortType = "Alph";
selectedColumn = $(this).attr('ColumnName')
if ($(this).attr('sortByColumn') !== undefined) {
selectedColumn = $(this).attr('sortByColumn');
//$("#" + GuidID + ".my-custom-grid-table th a").each(function () {
$("#" + GuidID + " th a").each(function () {
if (selectedColumn == $(this).attr('ColumnName')) {
if (selectedColumn.toLowerCase().indexOf("date") > -1) {
SortType = "Numeric";
if ($(this).find('span.glyphicon-sort-by-order').length != 0) {
ColumnSortOrder = "DESC";
SortOrder = "DESC";
} else {
if ($(this).find('span.glyphicon-sort-by-alphabet').length != 0) {
ColumnSortOrder = "DESC";
SortOrder = "DESC";
wSortingDataTable[wDataContainer][selectedColumn] = JSON.parse("\"" + ColumnSortOrder + "\"");
$.each($("#" + GuidID + " .glyphicon"), function (key, data) {
var wSortingColumnHeader = $(data).parent().parent();
if ($(data).parent().attr('OriginalStyleWidth')) {
var wOriginalWidth = wSortingColumnHeader.attr('OriginalStyleWidth');
if (wOriginalWidth !== undefined && wOriginalWidth != null && wOriginalWidth != "") {
if (!ShiftClicked) {
$(".my-pageable-grid-table th a .glyphicon").remove();
} else {
$("[ColumnName=" + selectedColumn + "] .glyphicon").remove();
var wWorkingColumn = $(this);
var wCurrentWidth = wWorkingColumn.parent().width();
var wAppliedStyleWidth = true;
if (wCurrentWidth == "") {
wCurrentWidth = wWorkingColumn.parent()[0].offsetWidth;
wAppliedStyleWidth = false;
var wCurrentParentOffsetHeight = wWorkingColumn.parent()[0].offsetHeight;
$(this)[0].innerHTML += "";
if (wCurrentParentOffsetHeight < wWorkingColumn.parent()[0].offsetHeight) {
wCurrentParentOffsetHeight = wWorkingColumn.parent()[0].offsetHeight;
if (wAppliedStyleWidth) {
wWorkingColumn[0].setAttribute("OriginalStyleWidth", wCurrentWidth);
wWorkingColumn.parent().width(wCurrentWidth + 40);
if (wCurrentParentOffsetHeight > wWorkingColumn.parent()[0].offsetHeight) {
wCurrentParentOffsetHeight = wWorkingColumn.parent()[0].offsetHeight;
wWorkingColumn.parent().width(wCurrentWidth + 20);
if (wCurrentParentOffsetHeight < wWorkingColumn.parent()[0].offsetHeight) {
wWorkingColumn.parent().width(wCurrentWidth + 40);
SortWL(GuidID, wDataContainer)
function SortWL(GuidID, aDataGuidName) {
wDataContainer = GuidID;
if (ActiveTabLoading && aDataGuidName !== undefined && aDataGuidName != null) {
wDataContainer = aDataGuidName
var counter = 1;
var sortScript = "";
if (wGridAttributes[GuidID]["GroupByData"]) {
counter = 2;
var GroupBySortData = "$." + wGridAttributes[GuidID]["GroupByData"]["GroupBy"];
sortScript = Enumerable.From(wWorkingDataTable[wDataContainer]).OrderByDescending(GroupBySortData)
//wWorkingDataTable[GuidID] = Enumerable.From(wWorkingDataTable[GuidID]).GroupBy(GroupBySortData).ToArray()
if (wSortingDataTable[wDataContainer] != null) {
$.each(wSortingDataTable[wDataContainer], function (key, data) {
if (key.toLowerCase().indexOf('date') > -1) {
var wDisplayFormat = (key.toLowerCase().indexOf("birth") > -1 ? WLDateFormat : WLLongDateFormat);
sortby = function (x) { return new Date(parseInt(x[key].substr(6))) ; };
else {
sortby = "$." + key;
if (data.toUpperCase() == "DESC") {
if (counter == 1) {
sortScript = Enumerable.From(wWorkingDataTable[wDataContainer]).OrderByDescending(sortby);
} else {
sortScript = sortScript.ThenByDescending(sortby);
} else {
if (counter == 1) {
sortScript = Enumerable.From(wWorkingDataTable[wDataContainer]).OrderBy(sortby);
} else {
sortScript = sortScript.ThenBy(sortby);
if (this.PrimaryKey != null && this.PrimaryKey != "") {
if (sortScript = "") {
sortScript = Enumerable.From(wWorkingDataTable[wDataContainer]).OrderByDescending("$." + this.PrimaryKey);
} else {
sortScript = sortScript.ThenByDescending("$." + this.PrimaryKey);
if (sortScript != "") {
//wWorkingDataTable[GuidID]= Enumerable.From(sortScript).ToArray();
wWorkingDataTable[wDataContainer]= sortScript.ToArray();
BuildGridResults(GuidID, wDataContainer);
function FilterWL(GuidID, aDataGuidName) {
wDataContainerName = GuidID;
if (ActiveTabLoading && aDataGuidName !== undefined && aDataGuidName != null) {
wDataContainerName = aDataGuidName
SearchCriteria = wFilteringDataTable[GuidID];
var wFilteredData = FilterWLData(GuidID, SearchCriteria, wDataContainerName);
var wGrid = $('#' + GuidID + '');
var WLPerPage = wGrid.attr('Rows-per-page');
if (WLPerPage % 5 == 0 || WLPerPage == wFilteredData.Data.length) {
wGrid.attr('Rows-per-page', WLPerPage);
wFilteringSentence[GuidID] = wFilteredData.Sentence;
wWorkingDataTable[wDataContainerName] = wFilteredData.Data;
SortWL(GuidID, wDataContainerName);
GenerateWLPerPages(GuidID, wDataContainerName)
GenerateWLPages(GuidID, wDataContainerName)
function FilterWLData(GuidID, SearchCriteria, FullGuidDataName) {
var wFilterData = JSON.parse('{}');
wFilterData.Data = [];
if (SearchCriteria != null) {
if (wMasterDataTable != null) {
var wDataSet = null;
if (wMasterDataTable.hasOwnProperty(FullGuidDataName)) {
wDataSet = wMasterDataTable[FullGuidDataName];
} else if (wMasterDataTable.hasOwnProperty(GuidID)) {
wDataSet = wMasterDataTable[GuidID];
var wResult = FilterData(SearchCriteria, wDataSet)
wFilterData.Data = wResult.Data;
//wFilteringSentence[FullGuidDataName]= "Patients {0}with {1}{2}exams {3} for {4}.".format((SearchCriteria['patient_name']== null ? "" : "matching \"" +SearchCriteria['patient_name']+ "\" "), (SearchCriteria['status_code'] == null ? "": "" + SearchCriteria['status_code']+ " "), wModalityCriteria, wDayRangeCriteria, (SearchCriteria['requested_by_person_key']== null || SearchCriteria['requested_by_person_key'].length == OrderingProviderList.length ? "all providers" : "" +SearchCriteria['requested_by_person_key'].length + " provider" +(SearchCriteria['requested_by_person_key'].length > 1 ? "s": "")));
wFilterData.Sentence = wResult.FilterSentence;
return wFilterData;
function FilterData(SearchCriteria, WLData) {
var wFilterToolBarText = wTodayBRYesterday;//"Today &
var wFilterText = wTodayandYesterday;//"today and yesterday";
var wFilterRange = "-1/0";
var WFilteredStatus;
var wStatusFilterCriteriaName;
var wStatusCriteriaName;
if (SearchCriteria.hasOwnProperty('portal_status_code') && SearchCriteria.portal_status_code != null && SearchCriteria.portal_status_code != "") {
WFilteredStatus = SearchCriteria.portal_status_code;
if (SearchCriteria.hasOwnProperty('status_code') && SearchCriteria.status_code != null && SearchCriteria.status_code != "") {
if (Array.isArray(SearchCriteria.status_code)) {
if (Array.isArray(WFilteredStatus)) {
WFilteredStatus = WFilteredStatus.concat(SearchCriteria.status_code);
} else if (WFilteredStatus != "" && WFilteredStatus !== undefined) {
var wCurrentFilteredStatus = WFilteredStatus;
WFilteredStatus = SearchCriteria.status_code;
} else {
WFilteredStatus = SearchCriteria.status_code;
} else {
if (Array.isArray(WFilteredStatus)) {
} else {
WFilteredStatus = [WFilteredStatus, SearchCriteria.status_code];
WFilteredStatus = SearchCriteria.status_code;
$.each(WFilteredStatus, function (index, data) {
if (Array.isArray(wStatusFilterCriteriaName)) {
} else {
wStatusFilterCriteriaName = [wStatusFilterCriteriaName, TranslateStatusCode(data)];
wStatusCriteriaName = wStatusFilterCriteriaName.filter(function (x) {
if (x !== undefined) {
return x;
if (WFilteredStatus != null && WFilteredStatus != "") {
if (Array.isArray(WFilteredStatus)) {
if ($.isInArray('Completed', WFilteredStatus) || $.isInArray('Approved', WFilteredStatus) || $.isInArray('Signed1', WFilteredStatus) || $.isInArray('ExamDoneTechOnly', WFilteredStatus) || $.isInArray('ExtReportVerified', WFilteredStatus) || $.isInArray('Dictated', WFilteredStatus) || $.isInArray('TentativelySigned1', WFilteredStatus) || $.isInArray('Transcribed', WFilteredStatus) || $.isInArray('ExamDone', WFilteredStatus) || $.isInArray('RepeatDone', WFilteredStatus) || $.isInArray('ReportDrafted', WFilteredStatus) || $.isInArray('OrderSigned', WFilteredStatus) || $.isInArray('OrderPendingApproval', WFilteredStatus) || $.isInArray('Pending Approval', WFilteredStatus) || $.isInArray('To be Scheduled', WFilteredStatus)) {
if ($.isInArray('Scheduled', WFilteredStatus)) {
wFilterToolBarText = wTodayplusminusDay;//"Today
+/- 1 day";//"Today
+/- 1 day";
wFilterText = wTodayYesterdayTomorrow;//"today, yesterday, and tomorrow ";
var wFilterRange = "-1/1";
} else {
wFilterToolBarText = wTodayBRYesterday;//"Today &
wFilterText = wTodayandYesterday;//"today and yesterday";
var wFilterRange = "-1/0";
} else if ($.isInArray('Scheduled', WFilteredStatus)) {
wFilterToolBarText = wTodayBRTomorrow;//"Today &
wFilterText = wTodayandTomorrow;//"today and tomorrow";
var wFilterRange = "1/1";
} else {
if (WFilteredStatus == "Completed" || WFilteredStatus == "Approved" || WFilteredStatus == "Signed1" || WFilteredStatus == "ExamDoneTechOnly" || WFilteredStatus == "ExtReportVerified" || WFilteredStatus == "Dictated" || WFilteredStatus == "TentativelySigned1" || WFilteredStatus == "Transcribed" || WFilteredStatus == "ExamDone" || WFilteredStatus == "RepeatDone" || WFilteredStatus == "ReportDrafted" || WFilteredStatus == "OrderSigned" || WFilteredStatus == "OrderPendingApproval" || WFilteredStatus == "Pending Approval" || WFilteredStatus == "To be Scheduled") {
wFilterToolBarText = wTodayBRYesterday;//"Today &
wFilterText = wTodayandYesterday;//"today and yesterday";
} else if (WFilteredStatus == "Scheduled") {
wFilterToolBarText = wTodayBRTomorrow;//"Today &
wFilterText = wTodayandTomorrow;//"today and tomorrow";
var query = "";
var wExtraSerachCriteria = "";
var wDayRangeCriteria = "";
var wModalityCriteria = "";
if (SearchCriteria['modality_type'] != null) {
if (Array.isArray(SearchCriteria['modality_type'])) {
wModalityCriteria = Enumerable.From(SearchCriteria['modality_type']).Join(ProcedureGroupList, "selection=>selection", "ProcedureGroup=>ProcedureGroup.Value", "(selection,ProcedureGroup)=>{Value:ProcedureGroup.Value, Text:ProcedureGroup.Text}").Select("$.Text").ToArray().join(",") + " ";
} else {
wModalityCriteria = SearchCriteria['modality_type'].join(",") + " ";
//(SearchCriteria['modality_type']== null ? "": "" +SearchCriteria['modality_type'].join(",") + " ");
if (wModalityCriteria != "") {
pos = wModalityCriteria.lastIndexOf(',');
if (pos > 0) {
wModalityCriteria = String.format(wExamtypelist, wModalityCriteria.substring(0, pos), wModalityCriteria.substring(pos + 1))//wModalityCriteria.substring(0, pos) + " and " + wModalityCriteria.substring(pos + 1) + " ";
var wIncludeIfCCed = false;
if (SearchCriteria.IncludeIfCCed != null) {
wIncludeIfCCed = (SearchCriteria.IncludeIfCCed.toLowerCase() == "true");
$.each(SearchCriteria, function (key, data) {
if (key == "IncludeIfCCed" || key == "FilterCriteriaSentence" || key == "patient_name") {
return true;
//if ((key == "requested_by_person_key" || key == "modality_type") && data == "SELECTED ALL") {
// return true;
if (data == undefined || data == "") {
var wSpecificSearchCriteria = false;
if (key == "patient_name" || key == "status_code" || key == "requested_by_person_key" || key == "modality_type") {
wSpecificSearchCriteria = true;
filter = "";
if (SearchCriteria[key] != null && SearchCriteria[key] != "" && SearchCriteria[key] != "[]" && SearchCriteria[key].toString() != "SELECTED ALL") {
if (query != "") {
filter = " && ";
if (key[0] != key[0].toUpperCase() || key == "UMStatusCode" || key == "UMResolutionCode") {
if (Array.isArray(SearchCriteria[key])) {
if (WLData.length > 0 && Array.isArray(WLData[0][key])) {
filter += " (";
$.each(data, function (index, data) {
if (index > 0) {
filter += " || ";
if (filter != "" && filter != " && (" && !filter.endsWith('|| ')) {
filter += " || ";
if (data.toLowerCase() == "null") {
filter += "Enumerable.From($." + key + ").Any('$==null')";
} else {
filter += "Enumerable.From($." + key + ").Any('$==\"" + data + "\"')";
filter += ") ";
} else {
filter += " (";
$.each(data, function (index, data) {
if (index > 0) {
filter += " || ";
if (data.toLowerCase() == "null") {
filter += "$." + key + "==null";
} else {
filter += "$." + key + "=='" + data + "'";
//filter += "$." + key + "=='" + data + "'";
if (key == "requested_by_person_key" && wIncludeIfCCed) {
$.each(data, function (index, data) {
if (index > 0) {
filter += " || ";
if (filter != "" && filter != " && (" && !filter.endsWith('|| ')) {
filter += " || ";
filter += "Enumerable.From($.cc_doctor_key).Any('$==\"" + data + "\"')";
filter += ") ";
if (!wSpecificSearchCriteria) {
wExtraSerachCriteria += wWLFilterCriteriaAnd + " " + data.length + "" + key + (data.length > 1 ? "s" : ""); //Add applied Filter
} else if (typeof (SearchCriteria[key]) == "object") {
SubQuery = "";
SubFilter = "";
$.each(SearchCriteria[key], function (CriteriaKey, data) {
if (SubQuery != "") {
SubFilter = " && ";
var Days = false;
if (data % 1 === 0) {
if (data == 0) {
data = 1;
Days = true;
data = dateFormat(new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + Number(data))), "mm/dd/yyyy");
//todo:date format
//new Date(parseInt(x[mDayRangeColumn].substr(6)))
switch (CriteriaKey.toLowerCase()) {
case "contains":
SubFilter += "$." + key + "=='%" + data + "%'";
if (!wSpecificSearchCriteria) {
wExtraSerachCriteria += String.format(wWLFilterCriteriaColumnContains, key, data)//"and " + key + " contains" + data;//Add applied Filter
case "start":
SubFilter += "new Date(parseInt($." + key + ".substr(6))) >= new Date('" + data + "')";
wDayRangeCriteria += " " + (Days ? String.format(wWLFilterCriteriaWithinThe01Days, (data.toString()[0] == "-" ? wWLDayFilterPreviousCriteria : wWLDayFilterLastCriteria, (data.toString()[0] == "-" || data.toString()[0] == "+" ? data.toString().substr(1) : data))) : String.format(wWLFilterCriteriaGreaterThen0, dateFormat(new Date(data), jsDateFormat)));//Add applied Filter
//SubFilter += "$." + key + " >= '" + data + "'";
case "end":
SubFilter += "new Date(parseInt($." + key + ".substr(6))) <= new Date('" + data + "')";
wDayRangeCriteria += " " + (Days ? String.format(wWLFilterCriteriaWithinThe01Days, (data.toString()[0] == "-" ? wWLDayFilterPreviousCriteria : wWLDayFilterLastCriteria), (data.toString()[0] == "-" || data.toString()[0] == "+" ? data.toString().substr(1) : data)) : String.format(wWLFilterCriteriaLessThen0, dateFormat(new Date(data), jsDateFormat)));//Add applied Filter
//SubFilter += "$." + key + " <= '" + data + "'";
SubQuery += SubFilter;
filter += SubQuery
} else if (WLData.length > 0 && Array.isArray(WLData[0][key])) {
filter += "Enumerable.From($." + key + ").Any('$==\"" + data + "\"')";
} else {
if (data.toLowerCase() == "null") {
filter += "$." + key + "==null";
} else {
filter += "$." + key + "=='" + data + "'";
//filter += "$." + key + "=='" + data + "'";
if (!wSpecificSearchCriteria) {
wExtraSerachCriteria += String.format(wWLFilterCriteriaColumnMatching, key, data)//"and " + key + " matching" + data;//Add applied Filter
} else {
SubFilter = "";
if (typeof mDayRangeColumn === 'undefined') {
mDayRangeColumn = "requested_date";
switch (key) {
case "DayRange":
var wStatusSpecficRangeColumn = mDayRangeColumn;
if (SearchCriteria.portal_status_code != null) {
if (($.inArray('Completed', SearchCriteria.portal_status_code) > -1 || $.inArray('Approved', SearchCriteria.portal_status_code) > -1)) {
wStatusSpecficRangeColumn = "performed_date";
} else if (SearchCriteria.status_code != null) {
if ($.inArray('Dictated', SearchCriteria.status_code) > -1 || $.inArray('ExamDone', SearchCriteria.status_code) > -1 || $.inArray('ExamDoneTechOnly', SearchCriteria.status_code) > -1 || $.inArray('ExtReportVerified', SearchCriteria.status_code) > -1 || $.inArray('RepeatDone', SearchCriteria.status_code) > -1 || $.inArray('ReportDrafted', SearchCriteria.status_code) > -1 || $.inArray('Signed1', SearchCriteria.status_code) > -1 || $.inArray('TentativelySigned1', SearchCriteria.status_code) > -1 || $.inArray('Transcribed', SearchCriteria.status_code) > -1) {
wStatusSpecficRangeColumn = "performed_date";
var wRange = data
if ($.isArray(data) && data.length > 0) {
wRange = data[0];
//if (data % 1 === 0) {
// data = dateFormat(new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + Number(data * -1))), "mm/dd/yyyy");
switch (wRange) {
case "0":
case 0:
case "-1":
case -1:
wDayRangeCriteria = wFilterText;//"today and tomorrow";
var StartDate = dateFormat(new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 1)), "mm/dd/yyyy");
var EndDate = dateFormat(new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + 2)), "mm/dd/yyyy");
if (wFilterRange == "-1/0") {
StartDate = dateFormat(new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 1)), "mm/dd/yyyy");
EndDate = dateFormat(new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + 1)), "mm/dd/yyyy");
} else if (wFilterRange == "-1/1") {
StartDate = dateFormat(new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 1)), "mm/dd/yyyy");
EndDate = dateFormat(new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + 2)), "mm/dd/yyyy");
SubFilter += "new Date(parseInt($." + wStatusSpecficRangeColumn + ".substr(6))) >= new Date('" + StartDate + "')";
SubFilter += " && ";
SubFilter += "new Date(parseInt($." + wStatusSpecficRangeColumn + ".substr(6))) <= new Date('" + EndDate + "')";
if (SearchCriteria.portal_status_code != null) {
var StatusDateFilter = "";
if ($.inArray('Scheduled', SearchCriteria.portal_status_code) > -1) {
var StartDate = dateFormat(new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + Number(data * -1))), "mm/dd/yyyy");
if (StatusDateFilter != "") {
StatusDateFilter += " && ";
StatusDateFilter += "new Date(parseInt($." + wStatusSpecficRangeColumn + ".substr(6))) >= new Date('" + StartDate + "')";
if (wDayRangeCriteria != "") {
wDayRangeCriteria += " " + wWLFilterCriteriaAnd + " ";
wDayRangeCriteria = wWLDayFilterNextCriteria;
if ($.inArray('Completed', SearchCriteria.portal_status_code) > -1 || $.inArray('Approved', SearchCriteria.status_code) > -1 || $.inArray('OrderSigned', SearchCriteria.status_code) > -1 || $.inArray('To be Scheduled', SearchCriteria.portal_status_code) > -1 || $.inArray('OrderDrafted', SearchCriteria.status_code) > -1 || $.inArray('Order Drafted', SearchCriteria.portal_status_code) > -1 || $.inArray('OrderPendingApproval', SearchCriteria.status_code) > -1 || $.inArray('Pending Approval', SearchCriteria.portal_status_code) > -1) {
var StartDate = dateFormat(new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + Number(data * -1))), "mm/dd/yyyy");
if (StatusDateFilter != "") {
StatusDateFilter += " && ";
StatusDateFilter += "new Date(parseInt($." + wStatusSpecficRangeColumn + ".substr(6))) >= new Date('" + StartDate + "')";
if (wDayRangeCriteria != "") {
wDayRangeCriteria += " " + wWLFilterCriteriaAnd + " ";
wDayRangeCriteria += wWLDayFilterPreviousCriteria;
SubFilter += StatusDateFilter;
else if (SearchCriteria.status_code != null) {
var StatusDateFilter = "";
if ($.inArray('Scheduled', SearchCriteria.status_code) > -1) {
var StartDate = dateFormat(new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + Number(data * -1))), "mm/dd/yyyy");
if (StatusDateFilter != "") {
StatusDateFilter += " && ";
StatusDateFilter += "new Date(parseInt($." + wStatusSpecficRangeColumn + ".substr(6))) >= new Date('" + StartDate + "')";
if (wDayRangeCriteria != "") {
wDayRangeCriteria += " " + wWLFilterCriteriaAnd + " ";
wDayRangeCriteria = wWLDayFilterNextCriteria;
if ($.inArray('Dictated', SearchCriteria.status_code) > -1 || $.inArray('ExamDone', SearchCriteria.status_code) > -1 || $.inArray('ExamDoneTechOnly', SearchCriteria.status_code) > -1 || $.inArray('ExtReportVerified', SearchCriteria.status_code) > -1 || $.inArray('RepeatDone', SearchCriteria.status_code) > -1 || $.inArray('ReportDrafted', SearchCriteria.status_code) > -1 || $.inArray('Signed1', SearchCriteria.status_code) > -1 || $.inArray('TentativelySigned1', SearchCriteria.status_code) > -1 || $.inArray('Transcribed', SearchCriteria.status_code) > -1 || $.inArray('OrderSigned', SearchCriteria.status_code) > -1 || $.inArray('OrderDrafted', SearchCriteria.status_code) > -1 || $.inArray('OrderPendingSigned', SearchCriteria.status_code) > -1) {
var StartDate = dateFormat(new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + Number(data * -1))), "mm/dd/yyyy");
if (StatusDateFilter != "") {
StatusDateFilter += " && ";
StatusDateFilter += "new Date(parseInt($." + wStatusSpecficRangeColumn + ".substr(6))) >= new Date('" + StartDate + "')";
if (wDayRangeCriteria != "") {
wDayRangeCriteria += " " + wWLFilterCriteriaAnd + " ";
wDayRangeCriteria += wWLDayFilterPreviousCriteria
SubFilter += StatusDateFilter;
} else {
wDayRangeCriteria = wWLDayFilterPreviousAndNextCriteria;
var StartDate = dateFormat(new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + Number(data * -1))), "mm/dd/yyyy");
var EndDate = dateFormat(new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + (Number(data) + 1))), "mm/dd/yyyy");
SubFilter += "new Date(parseInt($." + wStatusSpecficRangeColumn + ".substr(6))) >= new Date('" + StartDate + "')";
SubFilter += " && ";
SubFilter += "new Date(parseInt($." + wStatusSpecficRangeColumn + ".substr(6))) <= new Date('" + EndDate + "')";
wDayRangeCriteria = String.format(wWLDayFilterCriteria, wDayRangeCriteria, wRange);
filter += SubFilter;
//SubFilter += "new Date(parseInt($." + mDayRangeColumn + ".substr(6))) >= new Date('" +data + "')";
// Copy of lowercase filter, duplicated filter criteria in case where upper case does need ot be ahndled differently
if (Array.isArray(SearchCriteria[key])) {
if (WLData.length > 0 && Array.isArray(WLData[0][key])) {
filter += " (";
$.each(data, function (index, data) {
if (index > 0) {
filter += " || ";
if (filter != "" && filter != " && (" && !filter.endsWith('|| ')) {
filter += " || ";
filter += "Enumerable.From($." + key + ").Any('$==\"" + data + "\"')";
filter += ") ";
} else {
filter += " (";
$.each(data, function (index, data) {
if (index > 0) {
filter += " || ";
//filter += "$." + key + "=='" + data + "'";
if (data.toLowerCase() == "null") {
filter += "$." + key + "==null";
} else {
filter += "$." + key + "=='" + data + "'";
if (key == "requested_by_person_key" && wIncludeIfCCed) {
$.each(data, function (index, data) {
if (index > 0) {
filter += " || ";
if (filter != "" && filter != " && (" && !filter.endsWith('|| ')) {
filter += " || ";
filter += "Enumerable.From($.cc_doctor_key).Any('$==\"" + data + "\"')";
filter += ") ";
if (!wSpecificSearchCriteria) {
wExtraSerachCriteria += "and " + data.length + "" + key + (data.length > 1 ? "s" : ""); //Add applied Filter
} else if (typeof (SearchCriteria[key]) == "object") {
SubQuery = "";
SubFilter = "";
$.each(SearchCriteria[key], function (CriteriaKey, data) {
if (SubQuery != "") {
SubFilter = " && ";
var Days = false;
if (data % 1 === 0) {
Days = true;
data = dateFormat(new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + Number(data))), "mm/dd/yyyy");
//todo:date format
//new Date(parseInt(x[mDayRangeColumn].substr(6)))
switch (CriteriaKey.toLowerCase()) {
case "contains":
SubFilter += "$." + key + "=='%" + data + "%'";
if (!wSpecificSearchCriteria) {
wExtraSerachCriteria += "and " + key + " contains" + data;//Add applied Filter
case "start":
SubFilter += "new Date(parseInt($." + key + ".substr(6))) >= new Date('" + data + "')";
wDayRangeCriteria += "" + (Days ? " within the " + (data.toString()[0] == "-" ? "previous " : "last ") + (data.toString()[0] == "-" || data.toString()[0] == "+" ? data.toString().substr(1) : data) + " days" : "greater then " + dateFormat(new Date(data), jsDateFormat));//Add applied Filter
//SubFilter += "$." + key + " >= '" + data + "'";
case "end":
SubFilter += "new Date(parseInt($." + key + ".substr(6))) <= new Date('" + data + "')";
wDayRangeCriteria += "" + (Days ? " within the " + (data.toString()[0] == "-" ? "previous " : "last ") + (data.toString()[0] == "-" || data.toString()[0] == "+" ? data.toString().substr(1) : data) + " days" : "less then " + dateFormat(new Date(data), jsDateFormat));//Add applied Filter
//SubFilter += "$." + key + " <= '" + data + "'";
SubQuery += SubFilter;
filter += SubQuery
} else if (WLData.length > 0 && Array.isArray(WLData[0][key])) {
filter += "Enumerable.From($." + key + ").Any('$==\"" + data + "\"')";
} else {
//filter += "$." + key + "=='" + data + "'";
if (data.toLowerCase() == "null") {
filter += "$." + key + "==null";
} else {
filter += "$." + key + "=='" + data + "'";
if (!wSpecificSearchCriteria) {
wExtraSerachCriteria += "and " + key + " matching" + data;//Add applied Filter
if (filter == " && " || filter == " || ") {
filter = ""
query += filter;
query = query.replaceAll('&& &&', '&&');
query = query.replaceAll('|| ||', '||');
if (query.endsWith('&& ')) {
query = query.substring(0, query.lastIndexOf('&&'));
if (query.endsWith('|| ')) {
query = query.substring(0, query.lastIndexOf('||'));
query = query.trim();
var FilteredData = Enumerable.From(WLData).Where(query).ToArray();
if (SearchCriteria.patient_name != null) {
FilteredData = Enumerable.From(FilteredData).Where(function (x) {
return (x.patient_name.toLowerCase().indexOf(SearchCriteria.patient_name.toLowerCase()) !== -1)
wExtraSerachCriteria += "and " + SearchCriteria.patient_name + " contains" + SearchCriteria.patient_name;
var wRequestedByCriteriaName = "";
if (SearchCriteria['requested_by_person_key'] != null && SearchCriteria['requested_by_person_key'] != "SELECTED ALL" && SearchCriteria['requested_by_person_key'].length <= 2) {
var wRequestedQuery = "";
var wRequestedByNamesArry = Enumerable.From(OrderingProviderList).Where(function (x) { return Enumerable.From(SearchCriteria['requested_by_person_key']).Contains(x.Value) }).Select("$.Text").ToArray()
if (SearchCriteria['requested_by_person_key'].length > 0) {
if (wRequestedByNamesArry.length == 0) {
try {
if (ProviderFilterList !== undefined) {
wRequestedByNamesArry = Enumerable.From(ProviderFilterList).Where(function (x) { return Enumerable.From(SearchCriteria['requested_by_person_key']).Contains(x.Value) }).Select("$.Text").ToArray()
} catch (e) {
console.log('ProviderFilterList not defined');
var wRequestedByCriteriaName = (wRequestedByNamesArry == null ? "" : "" + wRequestedByNamesArry.join("~"));
if (wRequestedByCriteriaName != "") {
pos = wRequestedByCriteriaName.lastIndexOf('~');
if (pos > 0) {
wRequestedByCriteriaName = wRequestedByCriteriaName.substring(0, pos) + " or " + wRequestedByCriteriaName.substring(pos + 1);
wRequestedByCriteriaName = wRequestedByCriteriaName.replace(new RegExp('~', 'g'), ",");
var ProcedureGroupListlength = "";
var ProcedureGroupListlengthValue = "";
var StatusList = "";
//var wRequestedByFilter = (SearchCriteria['requested_by_person_key'] == null || SearchCriteria['requested_by_person_key'].length == OrderingProviderList.length ? "all providers" : "" + (SearchCriteria['requested_by_person_key'].length > 2 || (wRequestedByCriteriaName != null && wRequestedByCriteriaName != "") ? SearchCriteria['requested_by_person_key'].length + " provider" + (SearchCriteria['requested_by_person_key'].length > 1 ? "s" : "") : wRequestedByCriteriaName) + (wIncludeIfCCed ? " including cc doctors" : ""))
var wRequestedByFilter = "";
if (SearchCriteria['requested_by_person_key'] == null || SearchCriteria['requested_by_person_key'] == "SELECTED ALL") {
wRequestedByFilter = wAllProviders;
} else {
if (SearchCriteria['requested_by_person_key'].length > 2) {
if (wIncludeIfCCed) {
wRequestedByFilter = String.format(wIncludingccdoctors, String.format(wProviders, SearchCriteria['requested_by_person_key'].length));
} else {
wRequestedByFilter = String.format(wProviders, SearchCriteria['requested_by_person_key'].length);
} else {
if (wIncludeIfCCed) {
wRequestedByFilter = String.format(wIncludingccdoctors, wRequestedByCriteriaName);
} else {
wRequestedByFilter = wRequestedByCriteriaName;
if ($.inArray('Completed', SearchCriteria.portal_status_code) > -1 || ($.inArray('Approved', SearchCriteria.portal_status_code) > -1 && $.inArray('Completed', SearchCriteria.portal_status_code) > -1)) {
ProcedureGroupListlength = "completed exams";
ProcedureGroupListlengthValue = " completed ";
//$.ajax({ type: "POST", url: BaseRootURL + '/AJAX/CountersAction', data: { counter_type_code: "completed_tab_rp" } });
else if ($.inArray('Scheduled', SearchCriteria.portal_status_code) > -1) {
ProcedureGroupListlength = "scheduled exams";
ProcedureGroupListlengthValue = "scheduled ";
else if ($.inArray('In Progress', SearchCriteria.portal_status_code) > -1) {
ProcedureGroupListlength = "in progress exams";
ProcedureGroupListlengthValue = " in progress ";
wDayRangeCriteria = "";
else if ($.inArray('OrderSigned', SearchCriteria.status_code) > -1) {
ProcedureGroupListlength = "ordered exams";
ProcedureGroupListlengthValue = " ordered ";
} else {
var WFilteredStatus;
if (SearchCriteria.hasOwnProperty('portal_status_code') && SearchCriteria.portal_status_code != null && SearchCriteria.portal_status_code != "") {
WFilteredStatus = SearchCriteria.portal_status_code;
if (SearchCriteria.hasOwnProperty('status_code') && SearchCriteria.status_code != null && SearchCriteria.status_code != "") {
if (Array.isArray(SearchCriteria.status_code)) {
if (Array.isArray(WFilteredStatus)) {
WFilteredStatus = WFilteredStatus.concat(SearchCriteria.status_code);
} else if (WFilteredStatus != "" && WFilteredStatus !== undefined) {
var wCurrentFilteredStatus = WFilteredStatus;
WFilteredStatus = TranslateStatusCode(SearchCriteria.status_code);
} else {
WFilteredStatus = TranslateStatusCode(SearchCriteria.status_code);
} else {
if (Array.isArray(WFilteredStatus)) {
} else {
WFilteredStatus = [WFilteredStatus, TranslateStatusCode(SearchCriteria.status_code)];
WFilteredStatus = TranslateStatusCode(SearchCriteria.status_code);
if (Array.isArray(WFilteredStatus)) {
StatusList = WFilteredStatus.toString();
} else {
StatusList = WFilteredStatus;
ProcedureGroupListlength = String.format(wSingleExamType, StatusList);//StatusList+" exams";
ProcedureGroupListlengthValue = " " + StatusList + " ";
//var wModalityTypeFilter = (SearchCriteria['modality_type'] == null ? ProcedureGroupListlength : (SearchCriteria['modality_type'].length == ProcedureGroupList.length ? ProcedureGroupListlengthValue+" all exam types" : ProcedureGroupListlengthValue + (SearchCriteria['modality_type'].length > 0 ? wModalityCriteria + " exams" : + "")));
var wModalityTypeFilter = ""
if (SearchCriteria['modality_type'] == null || SearchCriteria['modality_type'].length == ProcedureGroupList.length || SearchCriteria['modality_type'] == "SELECTED ALL") {
wModalityTypeFilter = wAllexamtypes;
} else if (SearchCriteria['modality_type'].length > 2) {
wModalityTypeFilter = String.format(wExamtypes, SearchCriteria['modality_type'].length);
} else {
wModalityTypeFilter = String.format(wPortalSearchSummarySentenceExamType, wModalityCriteria);
//var wModalityTypeFilter = (SearchCriteria['modality_type'] == null || SearchCriteria['modality_type'].length == ProcedureGroupList.length ? ProcedureGroupListlength : ProcedureGroupListlengthValue + (SearchCriteria['modality_type'].length > 0 ? wModalityCriteria + " exams" : + ""));
//var Sentence = "Patients {0}with {1}{2} {3} by {4}.".format((SearchCriteria['patient_name'] == null ? "" : "matching \"" + SearchCriteria['patient_name'] + "\" "), (SearchCriteria['status_code'] == null ? "" : ""), wModalityTypeFilter, wDayRangeCriteria, wRequestedByFilter);
var Sentence = String.format(wPortalSearchSummarySentence, (SearchCriteria['patient_name'] == null ? "" : "" + String.format(wPortalSearchSummarySentenceMatchName, SearchCriteria['patient_name']) + ""), (wStatusCriteriaName == null ? "" : String.format(wPortalSearchSummarySentenceStatus, wStatusCriteriaName)), wModalityTypeFilter, wDayRangeCriteria, wRequestedByFilter);
return { Data: FilteredData, FilterSentence: Sentence };
* linq.js - LINQ for JavaScript
* ver (Jan. 21th, 2011)
* created and maintained by neuecc
* licensed under Microsoft Public License(Ms-PL)
Enumerable = (function ()
var Enumerable = function (getEnumerator)
this.GetEnumerator = getEnumerator;
// Generator
Enumerable.Choice = function () // variable argument
var args = (arguments[0] instanceof Array) ? arguments[0] : arguments;
return new Enumerable(function ()
return new IEnumerator(
function ()
return this.Yield(args[Math.floor(Math.random() * args.length)]);
Enumerable.Cycle = function () // variable argument
var args = (arguments[0] instanceof Array) ? arguments[0] : arguments;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var index = 0;
return new IEnumerator(
function ()
if (index >= args.length) index = 0;
return this.Yield(args[index++]);
Enumerable.Empty = function ()
return new Enumerable(function ()
return new IEnumerator(
function () { return false; },
Enumerable.From = function (obj)
if (obj == null)
return Enumerable.Empty();
if (obj instanceof Enumerable)
return obj;
if (typeof obj == Types.Number || typeof obj == Types.Boolean)
return Enumerable.Repeat(obj, 1);
if (typeof obj == Types.String)
return new Enumerable(function ()
var index = 0;
return new IEnumerator(
function ()
return (index < obj.length) ? this.Yield(obj.charAt(index++)) : false;
if (typeof obj != Types.Function)
// array or array like object
if (typeof obj.length == Types.Number)
return new ArrayEnumerable(obj);
// JScript's IEnumerable
if (!(obj instanceof Object) && Utils.IsIEnumerable(obj))
return new Enumerable(function ()
var isFirst = true;
var enumerator;
return new IEnumerator(
function () { enumerator = new Enumerator(obj); },
function ()
if (isFirst) isFirst = false;
else enumerator.moveNext();
return (enumerator.atEnd()) ? false : this.Yield(enumerator.item());
// case function/object : Create KeyValuePair[]
return new Enumerable(function ()
var array = [];
var index = 0;
return new IEnumerator(
function ()
for (var key in obj)
if (!(obj[key] instanceof Function))
array.push({ Key: key, Value: obj[key] });
function ()
return (index < array.length)
? this.Yield(array[index++])
: false;
Enumerable.Return = function (element)
return Enumerable.Repeat(element, 1);
// Overload:function(input, pattern)
// Overload:function(input, pattern, flags)
Enumerable.Matches = function (input, pattern, flags)
if (flags == null) flags = "";
if (pattern instanceof RegExp)
flags += (pattern.ignoreCase) ? "i" : "";
flags += (pattern.multiline) ? "m" : "";
pattern = pattern.source;
if (flags.indexOf("g") === -1) flags += "g";
return new Enumerable(function ()
var regex;
return new IEnumerator(
function () { regex = new RegExp(pattern, flags) },
function ()
var match = regex.exec(input);
return (match) ? this.Yield(match) : false;
// Overload:function(start, count)
// Overload:function(start, count, step)
Enumerable.Range = function (start, count, step)
if (step == null) step = 1;
return Enumerable.ToInfinity(start, step).Take(count);
// Overload:function(start, count)
// Overload:function(start, count, step)
Enumerable.RangeDown = function (start, count, step)
if (step == null) step = 1;
return Enumerable.ToNegativeInfinity(start, step).Take(count);
// Overload:function(start, to)
// Overload:function(start, to, step)
Enumerable.RangeTo = function (start, to, step)
if (step == null) step = 1;
return (start < to)
? Enumerable.ToInfinity(start, step).TakeWhile(function (i) { return i <= to; })
: Enumerable.ToNegativeInfinity(start, step).TakeWhile(function (i) { return i >= to; })
// Overload:function(obj)
// Overload:function(obj, num)
Enumerable.Repeat = function (obj, num)
if (num != null) return Enumerable.Repeat(obj).Take(num);
return new Enumerable(function ()
return new IEnumerator(
function () { return this.Yield(obj); },
Enumerable.RepeatWithFinalize = function (initializer, finalizer)
initializer = Utils.CreateLambda(initializer);
finalizer = Utils.CreateLambda(finalizer);
return new Enumerable(function ()
var element;
return new IEnumerator(
function () { element = initializer(); },
function () { return this.Yield(element); },
function ()
if (element != null)
element = null;
// Overload:function(func)
// Overload:function(func, count)
Enumerable.Generate = function (func, count)
if (count != null) return Enumerable.Generate(func).Take(count);
func = Utils.CreateLambda(func);
return new Enumerable(function ()
return new IEnumerator(
function () { return this.Yield(func()); },
// Overload:function()
// Overload:function(start)
// Overload:function(start, step)
Enumerable.ToInfinity = function (start, step)
if (start == null) start = 0;
if (step == null) step = 1;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var value;
return new IEnumerator(
function () { value = start - step },
function () { return this.Yield(value += step); },
// Overload:function()
// Overload:function(start)
// Overload:function(start, step)
Enumerable.ToNegativeInfinity = function (start, step)
if (start == null) start = 0;
if (step == null) step = 1;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var value;
return new IEnumerator(
function () { value = start + step },
function () { return this.Yield(value -= step); },
Enumerable.Unfold = function (seed, func)
func = Utils.CreateLambda(func);
return new Enumerable(function ()
var isFirst = true;
var value;
return new IEnumerator(
function ()
if (isFirst)
isFirst = false;
value = seed;
return this.Yield(value);
value = func(value);
return this.Yield(value);
// Extension Methods
Enumerable.prototype =
/* Projection and Filtering Methods */
// Overload:function(func)
// Overload:function(func, resultSelector)
// Overload:function(func, resultSelector)
CascadeBreadthFirst: function (func, resultSelector)
var source = this;
func = Utils.CreateLambda(func);
resultSelector = Utils.CreateLambda(resultSelector);
return new Enumerable(function ()
var enumerator;
var nestLevel = 0;
var buffer = [];
return new IEnumerator(
function () { enumerator = source.GetEnumerator(); },
function ()
while (true)
if (enumerator.MoveNext())
return this.Yield(resultSelector(enumerator.Current(), nestLevel));
var next = Enumerable.From(buffer).SelectMany(function (x) { return func(x); });
if (!next.Any())
return false;
buffer = [];
enumerator = next.GetEnumerator();
function () { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); });
// Overload:function(func)
// Overload:function(func, resultSelector)
// Overload:function(func, resultSelector)
CascadeDepthFirst: function (func, resultSelector)
var source = this;
func = Utils.CreateLambda(func);
resultSelector = Utils.CreateLambda(resultSelector);
return new Enumerable(function ()
var enumeratorStack = [];
var enumerator;
return new IEnumerator(
function () { enumerator = source.GetEnumerator(); },
function ()
while (true)
if (enumerator.MoveNext())
var value = resultSelector(enumerator.Current(), enumeratorStack.length);
enumerator = Enumerable.From(func(enumerator.Current())).GetEnumerator();
return this.Yield(value);
if (enumeratorStack.length <= 0) return false;
enumerator = enumeratorStack.pop();
function ()
try { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); }
finally { Enumerable.From(enumeratorStack).ForEach(function (s) { s.Dispose(); }) }
Flatten: function ()
var source = this;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var enumerator;
var middleEnumerator = null;
return new IEnumerator(
function () { enumerator = source.GetEnumerator(); },
function ()
while (true)
if (middleEnumerator != null)
if (middleEnumerator.MoveNext())
return this.Yield(middleEnumerator.Current());
middleEnumerator = null;
if (enumerator.MoveNext())
if (enumerator.Current() instanceof Array)
middleEnumerator = Enumerable.From(enumerator.Current())
return this.Yield(enumerator.Current());
return false;
function ()
try { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); }
finally { Utils.Dispose(middleEnumerator); }
Pairwise: function (selector)
var source = this;
selector = Utils.CreateLambda(selector);
return new Enumerable(function ()
var enumerator;
return new IEnumerator(
function ()
enumerator = source.GetEnumerator();
function ()
var prev = enumerator.Current();
return (enumerator.MoveNext())
? this.Yield(selector(prev, enumerator.Current()))
: false;
function () { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); });
// Overload:function(func)
// Overload:function(seed,func)
// Overload:function(seed,func,resultSelector)
Scan: function (seed, func, resultSelector)
if (resultSelector != null) return this.Scan(seed, func).Select(resultSelector);
var isUseSeed;
if (func == null)
func = Utils.CreateLambda(seed); // arguments[0]
isUseSeed = false;
func = Utils.CreateLambda(func);
isUseSeed = true;
var source = this;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var enumerator;
var value;
var isFirst = true;
return new IEnumerator(
function () { enumerator = source.GetEnumerator(); },
function ()
if (isFirst)
isFirst = false;
if (!isUseSeed)
if (enumerator.MoveNext())
return this.Yield(value = enumerator.Current());
return this.Yield(value = seed);
return (enumerator.MoveNext())
? this.Yield(value = func(value, enumerator.Current()))
: false;
function () { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); });
// Overload:function(selector)
// Overload:function(selector)
Select: function (selector)
var source = this;
selector = Utils.CreateLambda(selector);
return new Enumerable(function ()
var enumerator;
var index = 0;
return new IEnumerator(
function () { enumerator = source.GetEnumerator(); },
function ()
return (enumerator.MoveNext())
? this.Yield(selector(enumerator.Current(), index++))
: false;
function () { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); })
// Overload:function(collectionSelector)
// Overload:function(collectionSelector)
// Overload:function(collectionSelector,resultSelector)
// Overload:function(collectionSelector,resultSelector)
SelectMany: function (collectionSelector, resultSelector)
var source = this;
collectionSelector = Utils.CreateLambda(collectionSelector);
if (resultSelector == null) resultSelector = function (a, b) { return b; }
resultSelector = Utils.CreateLambda(resultSelector);
return new Enumerable(function ()
var enumerator;
var middleEnumerator = undefined;
var index = 0;
return new IEnumerator(
function () { enumerator = source.GetEnumerator(); },
function ()
if (middleEnumerator === undefined)
if (!enumerator.MoveNext()) return false;
if (middleEnumerator == null)
var middleSeq = collectionSelector(enumerator.Current(), index++);
middleEnumerator = Enumerable.From(middleSeq).GetEnumerator();
if (middleEnumerator.MoveNext())
return this.Yield(resultSelector(enumerator.Current(), middleEnumerator.Current()));
middleEnumerator = null;
} while (enumerator.MoveNext())
return false;
function ()
try { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); }
finally { Utils.Dispose(middleEnumerator); }
// Overload:function(predicate)
// Overload:function(predicate)
Where: function (predicate)
predicate = Utils.CreateLambda(predicate);
var source = this;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var enumerator;
var index = 0;
return new IEnumerator(
function () { enumerator = source.GetEnumerator(); },
function ()
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
if (predicate(enumerator.Current(), index++))
return this.Yield(enumerator.Current());
return false;
function () { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); })
OfType: function (type)
var typeName;
switch (type)
case Number: typeName = Types.Number; break;
case String: typeName = Types.String; break;
case Boolean: typeName = Types.Boolean; break;
case Function: typeName = Types.Function; break;
default: typeName = null; break;
return (typeName === null)
? this.Where(function (x) { return x instanceof type })
: this.Where(function (x) { return typeof x === typeName });
// Overload:function(second,selector)
// Overload:function(second,selector)
Zip: function (second, selector)
selector = Utils.CreateLambda(selector);
var source = this;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var firstEnumerator;
var secondEnumerator;
var index = 0;
return new IEnumerator(
function ()
firstEnumerator = source.GetEnumerator();
secondEnumerator = Enumerable.From(second).GetEnumerator();
function ()
if (firstEnumerator.MoveNext() && secondEnumerator.MoveNext())
return this.Yield(selector(firstEnumerator.Current(), secondEnumerator.Current(), index++));
return false;
function ()
try { Utils.Dispose(firstEnumerator); }
finally { Utils.Dispose(secondEnumerator); }
/* Join Methods */
// Overload:function (inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector)
// Overload:function (inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector, compareSelector)
Join: function (inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector, compareSelector)
outerKeySelector = Utils.CreateLambda(outerKeySelector);
innerKeySelector = Utils.CreateLambda(innerKeySelector);
resultSelector = Utils.CreateLambda(resultSelector);
compareSelector = Utils.CreateLambda(compareSelector);
var source = this;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var outerEnumerator;
var lookup;
var innerElements = null;
var innerCount = 0;
return new IEnumerator(
function ()
outerEnumerator = source.GetEnumerator();
lookup = Enumerable.From(inner).ToLookup(innerKeySelector, Functions.Identity, compareSelector);
function ()
while (true)
if (innerElements != null)
var innerElement = innerElements[innerCount++];
if (innerElement !== undefined)
return this.Yield(resultSelector(outerEnumerator.Current(), innerElement));
innerElement = null;
innerCount = 0;
if (outerEnumerator.MoveNext())
var key = outerKeySelector(outerEnumerator.Current());
innerElements = lookup.Get(key).ToArray();
return false;
function () { Utils.Dispose(outerEnumerator); })
// Overload:function (inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector)
// Overload:function (inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector, compareSelector)
GroupJoin: function (inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector, compareSelector)
outerKeySelector = Utils.CreateLambda(outerKeySelector);
innerKeySelector = Utils.CreateLambda(innerKeySelector);
resultSelector = Utils.CreateLambda(resultSelector);
compareSelector = Utils.CreateLambda(compareSelector);
var source = this;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var enumerator = source.GetEnumerator();
var lookup = null;
return new IEnumerator(
function ()
enumerator = source.GetEnumerator();
lookup = Enumerable.From(inner).ToLookup(innerKeySelector, Functions.Identity, compareSelector);
function ()
if (enumerator.MoveNext())
var innerElement = lookup.Get(outerKeySelector(enumerator.Current()));
return this.Yield(resultSelector(enumerator.Current(), innerElement));
return false;
function () { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); })
/* Set Methods */
All: function (predicate)
predicate = Utils.CreateLambda(predicate);
var result = true;
this.ForEach(function (x)
if (!predicate(x))
result = false;
return false; // break
return result;
// Overload:function()
// Overload:function(predicate)
Any: function (predicate)
predicate = Utils.CreateLambda(predicate);
var enumerator = this.GetEnumerator();
if (arguments.length == 0) return enumerator.MoveNext(); // case:function()
while (enumerator.MoveNext()) // case:function(predicate)
if (predicate(enumerator.Current())) return true;
return false;
finally { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); }
Concat: function (second)
var source = this;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var firstEnumerator;
var secondEnumerator;
return new IEnumerator(
function () { firstEnumerator = source.GetEnumerator(); },
function ()
if (secondEnumerator == null)
if (firstEnumerator.MoveNext()) return this.Yield(firstEnumerator.Current());
secondEnumerator = Enumerable.From(second).GetEnumerator();
if (secondEnumerator.MoveNext()) return this.Yield(secondEnumerator.Current());
return false;
function ()
try { Utils.Dispose(firstEnumerator); }
finally { Utils.Dispose(secondEnumerator); }
Insert: function (index, second)
var source = this;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var firstEnumerator;
var secondEnumerator;
var count = 0;
var isEnumerated = false;
return new IEnumerator(
function ()
firstEnumerator = source.GetEnumerator();
secondEnumerator = Enumerable.From(second).GetEnumerator();
function ()
if (count == index && secondEnumerator.MoveNext())
isEnumerated = true;
return this.Yield(secondEnumerator.Current());
if (firstEnumerator.MoveNext())
return this.Yield(firstEnumerator.Current());
if (!isEnumerated && secondEnumerator.MoveNext())
return this.Yield(secondEnumerator.Current());
return false;
function ()
try { Utils.Dispose(firstEnumerator); }
finally { Utils.Dispose(secondEnumerator); }
Alternate: function (value)
value = Enumerable.Return(value);
return this.SelectMany(function (elem)
return Enumerable.Return(elem).Concat(value);
// Overload:function(value)
// Overload:function(value, compareSelector)
Contains: function (value, compareSelector)
compareSelector = Utils.CreateLambda(compareSelector);
var enumerator = this.GetEnumerator();
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
if (compareSelector(enumerator.Current()) === value) return true;
return false;
finally { Utils.Dispose(enumerator) }
DefaultIfEmpty: function (defaultValue)
var source = this;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var enumerator;
var isFirst = true;
return new IEnumerator(
function () { enumerator = source.GetEnumerator(); },
function ()
if (enumerator.MoveNext())
isFirst = false;
return this.Yield(enumerator.Current());
else if (isFirst)
isFirst = false;
return this.Yield(defaultValue);
return false;
function () { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); })
// Overload:function()
// Overload:function(compareSelector)
Distinct: function (compareSelector)
return this.Except(Enumerable.Empty(), compareSelector);
// Overload:function(second)
// Overload:function(second, compareSelector)
Except: function (second, compareSelector)
compareSelector = Utils.CreateLambda(compareSelector);
var source = this;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var enumerator;
var keys;
return new IEnumerator(
function ()
enumerator = source.GetEnumerator();
keys = new Dictionary(compareSelector);
Enumerable.From(second).ForEach(function (key) { keys.Add(key); });
function ()
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
var current = enumerator.Current();
if (!keys.Contains(current))
return this.Yield(current);
return false;
function () { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); })
// Overload:function(second)
// Overload:function(second, compareSelector)
Intersect: function (second, compareSelector)
compareSelector = Utils.CreateLambda(compareSelector);
var source = this;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var enumerator;
var keys;
var outs;
return new IEnumerator(
function ()
enumerator = source.GetEnumerator();
keys = new Dictionary(compareSelector);
Enumerable.From(second).ForEach(function (key) { keys.Add(key); });
outs = new Dictionary(compareSelector);
function ()
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
var current = enumerator.Current();
if (!outs.Contains(current) && keys.Contains(current))
return this.Yield(current);
return false;
function () { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); })
// Overload:function(second)
// Overload:function(second, compareSelector)
SequenceEqual: function (second, compareSelector)
compareSelector = Utils.CreateLambda(compareSelector);
var firstEnumerator = this.GetEnumerator();
var secondEnumerator = Enumerable.From(second).GetEnumerator();
while (firstEnumerator.MoveNext())
if (!secondEnumerator.MoveNext()
|| compareSelector(firstEnumerator.Current()) !== compareSelector(secondEnumerator.Current()))
return false;
if (secondEnumerator.MoveNext()) return false;
return true;
finally { Utils.Dispose(secondEnumerator); }
finally { Utils.Dispose(firstEnumerator); }
Union: function (second, compareSelector)
compareSelector = Utils.CreateLambda(compareSelector);
var source = this;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var firstEnumerator;
var secondEnumerator;
var keys;
return new IEnumerator(
function ()
firstEnumerator = source.GetEnumerator();
keys = new Dictionary(compareSelector);
function ()
var current;
if (secondEnumerator === undefined)
while (firstEnumerator.MoveNext())
current = firstEnumerator.Current();
if (!keys.Contains(current))
return this.Yield(current);
secondEnumerator = Enumerable.From(second).GetEnumerator();
while (secondEnumerator.MoveNext())
current = secondEnumerator.Current();
if (!keys.Contains(current))
return this.Yield(current);
return false;
function ()
try { Utils.Dispose(firstEnumerator); }
finally { Utils.Dispose(secondEnumerator); }
/* Ordering Methods */
OrderBy: function (keySelector)
return new OrderedEnumerable(this, keySelector, false);
OrderByDescending: function (keySelector)
return new OrderedEnumerable(this, keySelector, true);
Reverse: function ()
var source = this;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var buffer;
var index;
return new IEnumerator(
function ()
buffer = source.ToArray();
index = buffer.length;
function ()
return (index > 0)
? this.Yield(buffer[--index])
: false;
Shuffle: function ()
var source = this;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var buffer;
return new IEnumerator(
function () { buffer = source.ToArray(); },
function ()
if (buffer.length > 0)
var i = Math.floor(Math.random() * buffer.length);
return this.Yield(buffer.splice(i, 1)[0]);
return false;
/* Grouping Methods */
// Overload:function(keySelector)
// Overload:function(keySelector,elementSelector)
// Overload:function(keySelector,elementSelector,resultSelector)
// Overload:function(keySelector,elementSelector,resultSelector,compareSelector)
GroupBy: function (keySelector, elementSelector, resultSelector, compareSelector)
var source = this;
keySelector = Utils.CreateLambda(keySelector);
elementSelector = Utils.CreateLambda(elementSelector);
if (resultSelector != null) resultSelector = Utils.CreateLambda(resultSelector);
compareSelector = Utils.CreateLambda(compareSelector);
return new Enumerable(function ()
var enumerator;
return new IEnumerator(
function ()
enumerator = source.ToLookup(keySelector, elementSelector, compareSelector)
function ()
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
return (resultSelector == null)
? this.Yield(enumerator.Current())
: this.Yield(resultSelector(enumerator.Current().Key(), enumerator.Current()));
return false;
function () { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); })
// Overload:function(keySelector)
// Overload:function(keySelector,elementSelector)
// Overload:function(keySelector,elementSelector,resultSelector)
// Overload:function(keySelector,elementSelector,resultSelector,compareSelector)
PartitionBy: function (keySelector, elementSelector, resultSelector, compareSelector)
var source = this;
keySelector = Utils.CreateLambda(keySelector);
elementSelector = Utils.CreateLambda(elementSelector);
compareSelector = Utils.CreateLambda(compareSelector);
var hasResultSelector;
if (resultSelector == null)
hasResultSelector = false;
resultSelector = function (key, group) { return new Grouping(key, group) }
hasResultSelector = true;
resultSelector = Utils.CreateLambda(resultSelector);
return new Enumerable(function ()
var enumerator;
var key;
var compareKey;
var group = [];
return new IEnumerator(
function ()
enumerator = source.GetEnumerator();
if (enumerator.MoveNext())
key = keySelector(enumerator.Current());
compareKey = compareSelector(key);
function ()
var hasNext;
while ((hasNext = enumerator.MoveNext()) == true)
if (compareKey === compareSelector(keySelector(enumerator.Current())))
else break;
if (group.length > 0)
var result = (hasResultSelector)
? resultSelector(key, Enumerable.From(group))
: resultSelector(key, group);
if (hasNext)
key = keySelector(enumerator.Current());
compareKey = compareSelector(key);
group = [elementSelector(enumerator.Current())];
else group = [];
return this.Yield(result);
return false;
function () { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); })
BufferWithCount: function (count)
var source = this;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var enumerator;
return new IEnumerator(
function () { enumerator = source.GetEnumerator(); },
function ()
var array = [];
var index = 0;
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
if (++index >= count) return this.Yield(array);
if (array.length > 0) return this.Yield(array);
return false;
function () { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); })
/* Aggregate Methods */
// Overload:function(func)
// Overload:function(seed,func)
// Overload:function(seed,func,resultSelector)
Aggregate: function (seed, func, resultSelector)
return this.Scan(seed, func, resultSelector).Last();
// Overload:function()
// Overload:function(selector)
Average: function (selector)
selector = Utils.CreateLambda(selector);
var sum = 0;
var count = 0;
this.ForEach(function (x)
sum += selector(x);
return sum / count;
// Overload:function()
// Overload:function(predicate)
Count: function (predicate)
predicate = (predicate == null) ? Functions.True : Utils.CreateLambda(predicate);
var count = 0;
this.ForEach(function (x, i)
if (predicate(x, i)) ++count;
return count;
// Overload:function()
// Overload:function(selector)
Max: function (selector)
if (selector == null) selector = Functions.Identity;
return this.Select(selector).Aggregate(function (a, b) { return (a > b) ? a : b; });
// Overload:function()
// Overload:function(selector)
Min: function (selector)
if (selector == null) selector = Functions.Identity;
return this.Select(selector).Aggregate(function (a, b) { return (a < b) ? a : b; });
MaxBy: function (keySelector)
keySelector = Utils.CreateLambda(keySelector);
return this.Aggregate(function (a, b) { return (keySelector(a) > keySelector(b)) ? a : b });
MinBy: function (keySelector)
keySelector = Utils.CreateLambda(keySelector);
return this.Aggregate(function (a, b) { return (keySelector(a) < keySelector(b)) ? a : b });
// Overload:function()
// Overload:function(selector)
Sum: function (selector)
if (selector == null) selector = Functions.Identity;
return this.Select(selector).Aggregate(0, function (a, b) { return a + b; });
/* Paging Methods */
ElementAt: function (index)
var value;
var found = false;
this.ForEach(function (x, i)
if (i == index)
value = x;
found = true;
return false;
if (!found) throw new Error("index is less than 0 or greater than or equal to the number of elements in source.");
return value;
ElementAtOrDefault: function (index, defaultValue)
var value;
var found = false;
this.ForEach(function (x, i)
if (i == index)
value = x;
found = true;
return false;
return (!found) ? defaultValue : value;
// Overload:function()
// Overload:function(predicate)
First: function (predicate)
if (predicate != null) return this.Where(predicate).First();
var value;
var found = false;
this.ForEach(function (x)
value = x;
found = true;
return false;
if (!found) throw new Error("First:No element satisfies the condition.");
return value;
// Overload:function(defaultValue)
// Overload:function(defaultValue,predicate)
FirstOrDefault: function (defaultValue, predicate)
if (predicate != null) return this.Where(predicate).FirstOrDefault(defaultValue);
var value;
var found = false;
this.ForEach(function (x)
value = x;
found = true;
return false;
return (!found) ? defaultValue : value;
// Overload:function()
// Overload:function(predicate)
Last: function (predicate)
if (predicate != null) return this.Where(predicate).Last();
var value;
var found = false;
this.ForEach(function (x)
found = true;
value = x;
if (!found) throw new Error("Last:No element satisfies the condition.");
return value;
// Overload:function(defaultValue)
// Overload:function(defaultValue,predicate)
LastOrDefault: function (defaultValue, predicate)
if (predicate != null) return this.Where(predicate).LastOrDefault(defaultValue);
var value;
var found = false;
this.ForEach(function (x)
found = true;
value = x;
return (!found) ? defaultValue : value;
// Overload:function()
// Overload:function(predicate)
Single: function (predicate)
if (predicate != null) return this.Where(predicate).Single();
var value;
var found = false;
this.ForEach(function (x)
if (!found)
found = true;
value = x;
else throw new Error("Single:sequence contains more than one element.");
if (!found) throw new Error("Single:No element satisfies the condition.");
return value;
// Overload:function(defaultValue)
// Overload:function(defaultValue,predicate)
SingleOrDefault: function (defaultValue, predicate)
if (predicate != null) return this.Where(predicate).SingleOrDefault(defaultValue);
var value;
var found = false;
this.ForEach(function (x)
if (!found)
found = true;
value = x;
else throw new Error("Single:sequence contains more than one element.");
return (!found) ? defaultValue : value;
Skip: function (count)
var source = this;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var enumerator;
var index = 0;
return new IEnumerator(
function ()
enumerator = source.GetEnumerator();
while (index++ < count && enumerator.MoveNext()) { };
function ()
return (enumerator.MoveNext())
? this.Yield(enumerator.Current())
: false;
function () { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); })
// Overload:function(predicate)
// Overload:function(predicate)
SkipWhile: function (predicate)
predicate = Utils.CreateLambda(predicate);
var source = this;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var enumerator;
var index = 0;
var isSkipEnd = false;
return new IEnumerator(
function () { enumerator = source.GetEnumerator(); },
function ()
while (!isSkipEnd)
if (enumerator.MoveNext())
if (!predicate(enumerator.Current(), index++))
isSkipEnd = true;
return this.Yield(enumerator.Current());
else return false;
return (enumerator.MoveNext())
? this.Yield(enumerator.Current())
: false;
function () { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); });
Take: function (count)
var source = this;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var enumerator;
var index = 0;
return new IEnumerator(
function () { enumerator = source.GetEnumerator(); },
function ()
return (index++ < count && enumerator.MoveNext())
? this.Yield(enumerator.Current())
: false;
function () { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); }
// Overload:function(predicate)
// Overload:function(predicate)
TakeWhile: function (predicate)
predicate = Utils.CreateLambda(predicate);
var source = this;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var enumerator;
var index = 0;
return new IEnumerator(
function () { enumerator = source.GetEnumerator(); },
function ()
return (enumerator.MoveNext() && predicate(enumerator.Current(), index++))
? this.Yield(enumerator.Current())
: false;
function () { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); });
// Overload:function()
// Overload:function(count)
TakeExceptLast: function (count)
if (count == null) count = 1;
var source = this;
return new Enumerable(function ()
if (count <= 0) return source.GetEnumerator(); // do nothing
var enumerator;
var q = [];
return new IEnumerator(
function () { enumerator = source.GetEnumerator(); },
function ()
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
if (q.length == count)
return this.Yield(q.shift());
return false;
function () { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); });
TakeFromLast: function (count)
if (count <= 0 || count == null) return Enumerable.Empty();
var source = this;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var sourceEnumerator;
var enumerator;
var q = [];
return new IEnumerator(
function () { sourceEnumerator = source.GetEnumerator(); },
function ()
while (sourceEnumerator.MoveNext())
if (q.length == count) q.shift()
if (enumerator == null)
enumerator = Enumerable.From(q).GetEnumerator();
return (enumerator.MoveNext())
? this.Yield(enumerator.Current())
: false;
function () { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); });
IndexOf: function (item)
var found = null;
this.ForEach(function (x, i)
if (x === item)
found = i;
return true;
return (found !== null) ? found : -1;
LastIndexOf: function (item)
var result = -1;
this.ForEach(function (x, i)
if (x === item) result = i;
return result;
/* Convert Methods */
ToArray: function ()
var array = [];
this.ForEach(function (x) { array.push(x) });
return array;
// Overload:function(keySelector)
// Overload:function(keySelector, elementSelector)
// Overload:function(keySelector, elementSelector, compareSelector)
ToLookup: function (keySelector, elementSelector, compareSelector)
keySelector = Utils.CreateLambda(keySelector);
elementSelector = Utils.CreateLambda(elementSelector);
compareSelector = Utils.CreateLambda(compareSelector);
var dict = new Dictionary(compareSelector);
this.ForEach(function (x)
var key = keySelector(x);
var element = elementSelector(x);
var array = dict.Get(key);
if (array !== undefined) array.push(element);
else dict.Add(key, [element]);
return new Lookup(dict);
ToObject: function (keySelector, elementSelector)
keySelector = Utils.CreateLambda(keySelector);
elementSelector = Utils.CreateLambda(elementSelector);
var obj = {};
this.ForEach(function (x)
obj[keySelector(x)] = elementSelector(x);
return obj;
// Overload:function(keySelector, elementSelector)
// Overload:function(keySelector, elementSelector, compareSelector)
ToDictionary: function (keySelector, elementSelector, compareSelector)
keySelector = Utils.CreateLambda(keySelector);
elementSelector = Utils.CreateLambda(elementSelector);
compareSelector = Utils.CreateLambda(compareSelector);
var dict = new Dictionary(compareSelector);
this.ForEach(function (x)
dict.Add(keySelector(x), elementSelector(x));
return dict;
// Overload:function()
// Overload:function(replacer)
// Overload:function(replacer, space)
ToJSON: function (replacer, space)
return JSON.stringify(this.ToArray(), replacer, space);
// Overload:function()
// Overload:function(separator)
// Overload:function(separator,selector)
ToString: function (separator, selector)
if (separator == null) separator = "";
if (selector == null) selector = Functions.Identity;
return this.Select(selector).ToArray().join(separator);
/* Action Methods */
// Overload:function(action)
// Overload:function(action)
Do: function (action)
var source = this;
action = Utils.CreateLambda(action);
return new Enumerable(function ()
var enumerator;
var index = 0;
return new IEnumerator(
function () { enumerator = source.GetEnumerator(); },
function ()
if (enumerator.MoveNext())
action(enumerator.Current(), index++);
return this.Yield(enumerator.Current());
return false;
function () { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); });
// Overload:function(action)
// Overload:function(action)
// Overload:function(func)
// Overload:function(func)
ForEach: function (action)
action = Utils.CreateLambda(action);
var index = 0;
var enumerator = this.GetEnumerator();
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
if (action(enumerator.Current(), index++) === false) break;
finally { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); }
// Overload:function()
// Overload:function(separator)
// Overload:function(separator,selector)
Write: function (separator, selector)
if (separator == null) separator = "";
selector = Utils.CreateLambda(selector);
var isFirst = true;
this.ForEach(function (item)
if (isFirst) isFirst = false;
else document.write(separator);
// Overload:function()
// Overload:function(selector)
WriteLine: function (selector)
selector = Utils.CreateLambda(selector);
this.ForEach(function (item)
Force: function ()
var enumerator = this.GetEnumerator();
try { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { } }
finally { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); }
/* Functional Methods */
Let: function (func)
func = Utils.CreateLambda(func);
var source = this;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var enumerator;
return new IEnumerator(
function ()
enumerator = Enumerable.From(func(source)).GetEnumerator();
function ()
return (enumerator.MoveNext())
? this.Yield(enumerator.Current())
: false;
function () { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); })
Share: function ()
var source = this;
var sharedEnumerator;
return new Enumerable(function ()
return new IEnumerator(
function ()
if (sharedEnumerator == null)
sharedEnumerator = source.GetEnumerator();
function ()
return (sharedEnumerator.MoveNext())
? this.Yield(sharedEnumerator.Current())
: false;
MemoizeAll: function ()
var source = this;
var cache;
var enumerator;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var index = -1;
return new IEnumerator(
function ()
if (enumerator == null)
enumerator = source.GetEnumerator();
cache = [];
function ()
if (cache.length <= index)
return (enumerator.MoveNext())
? this.Yield(cache[index] = enumerator.Current())
: false;
return this.Yield(cache[index]);
/* Error Handling Methods */
Catch: function (handler)
handler = Utils.CreateLambda(handler);
var source = this;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var enumerator;
return new IEnumerator(
function () { enumerator = source.GetEnumerator(); },
function ()
return (enumerator.MoveNext())
? this.Yield(enumerator.Current())
: false;
catch (e)
return false;
function () { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); });
Finally: function (finallyAction)
finallyAction = Utils.CreateLambda(finallyAction);
var source = this;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var enumerator;
return new IEnumerator(
function () { enumerator = source.GetEnumerator(); },
function ()
return (enumerator.MoveNext())
? this.Yield(enumerator.Current())
: false;
function ()
try { Utils.Dispose(enumerator); }
finally { finallyAction(); }
/* For Debug Methods */
// Overload:function()
// Overload:function(message)
// Overload:function(message,selector)
Trace: function (message, selector)
if (message == null) message = "Trace";
selector = Utils.CreateLambda(selector);
return this.Do(function (item)
console.log(message, ":", selector(item));
// private
// static functions
var Functions =
Identity: function (x) { return x; },
True: function () { return true; },
Blank: function () { }
// static const
var Types =
Boolean: typeof true,
Number: typeof 0,
String: typeof "",
Object: typeof {},
Undefined: typeof undefined,
Function: typeof function () { }
// static utility methods
var Utils =
// Create anonymous function from lambda expression string
CreateLambda: function (expression)
if (expression == null) return Functions.Identity;
if (typeof expression == Types.String)
if (expression == "")
return Functions.Identity;
else if (expression.indexOf("=>") == -1)
return new Function("$,$$,$$$,$$$$", "return " + expression);
var expr = expression.match(/^[(\s]*([^()]*?)[)\s]*=>(.*)/);
return new Function(expr[1], "return " + expr[2]);
return expression;
IsIEnumerable: function (obj)
if (typeof Enumerator != Types.Undefined)
new Enumerator(obj);
return true;
catch (e) { }
return false;
Compare: function (a, b)
return (a === b) ? 0
: (a > b) ? 1
: -1;
Dispose: function (obj)
if (obj != null) obj.Dispose();
// IEnumerator State
var State = { Before: 0, Running: 1, After: 2 }
// name "Enumerator" is conflict JScript's "Enumerator"
var IEnumerator = function (initialize, tryGetNext, dispose)
var yielder = new Yielder();
var state = State.Before;
this.Current = yielder.Current;
this.MoveNext = function ()
switch (state)
case State.Before:
state = State.Running;
initialize(); // fall through
case State.Running:
if (tryGetNext.apply(yielder))
return true;
return false;
case State.After:
return false;
catch (e)
throw e;
this.Dispose = function ()
if (state != State.Running) return;
try { dispose(); }
finally { state = State.After; }
// for tryGetNext
var Yielder = function ()
var current = null;
this.Current = function () { return current; }
this.Yield = function (value)
current = value;
return true;
// for OrderBy/ThenBy
var OrderedEnumerable = function (source, keySelector, descending, parent)
this.source = source;
this.keySelector = Utils.CreateLambda(keySelector);
this.descending = descending;
this.parent = parent;
OrderedEnumerable.prototype = new Enumerable();
OrderedEnumerable.prototype.CreateOrderedEnumerable = function (keySelector, descending)
return new OrderedEnumerable(this.source, keySelector, descending, this);
OrderedEnumerable.prototype.ThenBy = function (keySelector)
return this.CreateOrderedEnumerable(keySelector, false);
OrderedEnumerable.prototype.ThenByDescending = function (keySelector)
return this.CreateOrderedEnumerable(keySelector, true);
OrderedEnumerable.prototype.GetEnumerator = function ()
var self = this;
var buffer;
var indexes;
var index = 0;
return new IEnumerator(
function ()
buffer = [];
indexes = [];
self.source.ForEach(function (item, index)
var sortContext = SortContext.Create(self, null);
indexes.sort(function (a, b) { return sortContext.Compare(a, b); });
function ()
return (index < indexes.length)
? this.Yield(buffer[indexes[index++]])
: false;
var SortContext = function (keySelector, descending, child)
this.keySelector = keySelector;
this.descending = descending;
this.child = child;
this.keys = null;
SortContext.Create = function (orderedEnumerable, currentContext)
var context = new SortContext(orderedEnumerable.keySelector, orderedEnumerable.descending, currentContext);
if (orderedEnumerable.parent != null) return SortContext.Create(orderedEnumerable.parent, context);
return context;
SortContext.prototype.GenerateKeys = function (source)
var len = source.length;
var keySelector = this.keySelector;
var keys = new Array(len);
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) keys[i] = keySelector(source[i]);
this.keys = keys;
if (this.child != null) this.child.GenerateKeys(source);
SortContext.prototype.Compare = function (index1, index2)
var comparison = Utils.Compare(this.keys[index1], this.keys[index2]);
if (comparison == 0)
if (this.child != null) return this.child.Compare(index1, index2)
comparison = Utils.Compare(index1, index2);
return (this.descending) ? -comparison : comparison;
// optimize array or arraylike object
var ArrayEnumerable = function (source)
this.source = source;
ArrayEnumerable.prototype = new Enumerable();
ArrayEnumerable.prototype.Any = function (predicate)
return (predicate == null)
? (this.source.length > 0)
: Enumerable.prototype.Any.apply(this, arguments);
ArrayEnumerable.prototype.Count = function (predicate)
return (predicate == null)
? this.source.length
: Enumerable.prototype.Count.apply(this, arguments);
ArrayEnumerable.prototype.ElementAt = function (index)
return (0 <= index && index < this.source.length)
? this.source[index]
: Enumerable.prototype.ElementAt.apply(this, arguments);
ArrayEnumerable.prototype.ElementAtOrDefault = function (index, defaultValue)
return (0 <= index && index < this.source.length)
? this.source[index]
: defaultValue;
ArrayEnumerable.prototype.First = function (predicate)
return (predicate == null && this.source.length > 0)
? this.source[0]
: Enumerable.prototype.First.apply(this, arguments);
ArrayEnumerable.prototype.FirstOrDefault = function (defaultValue, predicate)
if (predicate != null)
return Enumerable.prototype.FirstOrDefault.apply(this, arguments);
return this.source.length > 0 ? this.source[0] : defaultValue;
ArrayEnumerable.prototype.Last = function (predicate)
return (predicate == null && this.source.length > 0)
? this.source[this.source.length - 1]
: Enumerable.prototype.Last.apply(this, arguments);
ArrayEnumerable.prototype.LastOrDefault = function (defaultValue, predicate)
if (predicate != null)
return Enumerable.prototype.LastOrDefault.apply(this, arguments);
return this.source.length > 0 ? this.source[this.source.length - 1] : defaultValue;
ArrayEnumerable.prototype.Skip = function (count)
var source = this.source;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var index;
return new IEnumerator(
function () { index = (count < 0) ? 0 : count },
function ()
return (index < source.length)
? this.Yield(source[index++])
: false;
ArrayEnumerable.prototype.TakeExceptLast = function (count)
if (count == null) count = 1;
return this.Take(this.source.length - count);
ArrayEnumerable.prototype.TakeFromLast = function (count)
return this.Skip(this.source.length - count);
ArrayEnumerable.prototype.Reverse = function ()
var source = this.source;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var index;
return new IEnumerator(
function ()
index = source.length;
function ()
return (index > 0)
? this.Yield(source[--index])
: false;
ArrayEnumerable.prototype.SequenceEqual = function (second, compareSelector)
if ((second instanceof ArrayEnumerable || second instanceof Array)
&& compareSelector == null
&& Enumerable.From(second).Count() != this.Count())
return false;
return Enumerable.prototype.SequenceEqual.apply(this, arguments);
ArrayEnumerable.prototype.ToString = function (separator, selector)
if (selector != null || !(this.source instanceof Array))
return Enumerable.prototype.ToString.apply(this, arguments);
if (separator == null) separator = "";
return this.source.join(separator);
ArrayEnumerable.prototype.GetEnumerator = function ()
var source = this.source;
var index = 0;
return new IEnumerator(
function ()
return (index < source.length)
? this.Yield(source[index++])
: false;
// Collections
var Dictionary = (function ()
// static utility methods
var HasOwnProperty = function (target, key)
return, key);
var ComputeHashCode = function (obj)
if (obj === null) return "null";
if (obj === undefined) return "undefined";
return (typeof obj.toString === Types.Function)
? obj.toString()
// LinkedList for Dictionary
var HashEntry = function (key, value)
this.Key = key;
this.Value = value;
this.Prev = null;
this.Next = null;
var EntryList = function ()
this.First = null;
this.Last = null;
EntryList.prototype =
AddLast: function (entry)
if (this.Last != null)
this.Last.Next = entry;
entry.Prev = this.Last;
this.Last = entry;
else this.First = this.Last = entry;
Replace: function (entry, newEntry)
if (entry.Prev != null)
entry.Prev.Next = newEntry;
newEntry.Prev = entry.Prev;
else this.First = newEntry;
if (entry.Next != null)
entry.Next.Prev = newEntry;
newEntry.Next = entry.Next;
else this.Last = newEntry;
Remove: function (entry)
if (entry.Prev != null) entry.Prev.Next = entry.Next;
else this.First = entry.Next;
if (entry.Next != null) entry.Next.Prev = entry.Prev;
else this.Last = entry.Prev;
// Overload:function()
// Overload:function(compareSelector)
var Dictionary = function (compareSelector)
this.count = 0;
this.entryList = new EntryList();
this.buckets = {}; // as Dictionary>
this.compareSelector = (compareSelector == null) ? Functions.Identity : compareSelector;
Dictionary.prototype =
Add: function (key, value)
var compareKey = this.compareSelector(key);
var hash = ComputeHashCode(compareKey);
var entry = new HashEntry(key, value);
if (HasOwnProperty(this.buckets, hash))
var array = this.buckets[hash];
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
if (this.compareSelector(array[i].Key) === compareKey)
this.entryList.Replace(array[i], entry);
array[i] = entry;
this.buckets[hash] = [entry];
Get: function (key)
var compareKey = this.compareSelector(key);
var hash = ComputeHashCode(compareKey);
if (!HasOwnProperty(this.buckets, hash)) return undefined;
var array = this.buckets[hash];
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
var entry = array[i];
if (this.compareSelector(entry.Key) === compareKey) return entry.Value;
return undefined;
Set: function (key, value)
var compareKey = this.compareSelector(key);
var hash = ComputeHashCode(compareKey);
if (HasOwnProperty(this.buckets, hash))
var array = this.buckets[hash];
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
if (this.compareSelector(array[i].Key) === compareKey)
var newEntry = new HashEntry(key, value);
this.entryList.Replace(array[i], newEntry);
array[i] = newEntry;
return true;
return false;
Contains: function (key)
var compareKey = this.compareSelector(key);
var hash = ComputeHashCode(compareKey);
if (!HasOwnProperty(this.buckets, hash)) return false;
var array = this.buckets[hash];
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
if (this.compareSelector(array[i].Key) === compareKey) return true;
return false;
Clear: function ()
this.count = 0;
this.buckets = {};
this.entryList = new EntryList();
Remove: function (key)
var compareKey = this.compareSelector(key);
var hash = ComputeHashCode(compareKey);
if (!HasOwnProperty(this.buckets, hash)) return;
var array = this.buckets[hash];
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
if (this.compareSelector(array[i].Key) === compareKey)
array.splice(i, 1);
if (array.length == 0) delete this.buckets[hash];
Count: function ()
return this.count;
ToEnumerable: function ()
var self = this;
return new Enumerable(function ()
var currentEntry;
return new IEnumerator(
function () { currentEntry = self.entryList.First },
function ()
if (currentEntry != null)
var result = { Key: currentEntry.Key, Value: currentEntry.Value };
currentEntry = currentEntry.Next;
return this.Yield(result);
return false;
return Dictionary;
// dictionary = Dictionary
var Lookup = function (dictionary)
this.Count = function ()
return dictionary.Count();
this.Get = function (key)
return Enumerable.From(dictionary.Get(key));
this.Contains = function (key)
return dictionary.Contains(key);
this.ToEnumerable = function ()
return dictionary.ToEnumerable().Select(function (kvp)
return new Grouping(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
var Grouping = function (key, elements)
this.Key = function ()
return key;
}, elements);
Grouping.prototype = new ArrayEnumerable();
// out to global
return Enumerable;